Feroze Gandhi was upset with his wife Indira in front of Pandit Nehru, know the whole story

The relations between Indira Gandhi and Feroze had come to a standstill shortly after their marriage.
The 61st death anniversary of Feroze Gandhi, a veteran Congress leader, is on 8 September. Firoz is discussed in the political corridors, then his marriage to Indira Gandhi and all the controversies are also mentioned. Being associated with the Congress, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru already knew Feroze Gandhi. Indira and Feroze were also friends from childhood, but came closer while studying together in London. During this, Firoz had proposed Indira for marriage, but she did not accept it.
In Indira’s biography, Pupul Jayakar writes that after the death of her mother, Indira Gandhi was very broken and during this time Firoz stood by her on every occasion. In the meantime, Indira also started falling in love with Feroze Gandhi and told her father Jawaharlal Nehru about it. However, Pandit Nehru did not want Indira to marry Firoz. He had also cited her ill health and doctor’s advice to Indira, but she did not obey and married Feroze Gandhi.
Indira Gandhi started living separately from Feroze: Shortly after the marriage, the relations of both of them started getting sour. Indira left Firoz’s house and came to her maternal home in Allahabad to support her father in party work. Firoz Gandhi also got busy with his other work and started taking over the responsibility of ‘National Herald’ newspaper.
The famous author Bartil Falk, referring to an anecdote in his book ‘Feroz: The Forgotten Gandhi’, writes that the resentment between the two had increased to such a point that once Firoz angrily called Indira Gandhi ‘fascism’. All this happened in front of Pandit Nehru. In fact, in the year 1959, Indira Gandhi wanted to sack the Kerala government and impose President’s rule.
Feroze Gandhi was angry with Indira: Feroze Gandhi did not agree with Indira’s point of view at all. One morning during a discussion at the breakfast table, he was so annoyed that he even called Indira Gandhi ‘fascism’. Jawaharlal Nehru was also present there during that time.
After this ‘remark’ of Firoz, the tension between the two had increased further. Let us tell that in the year 1960, Feroze Gandhi had said goodbye to the world. Indira Gandhi became the first woman Prime Minister of the country in the year 1966, about 6 years after her death.