
Follow the written examination guidelines for technical institutions with disabilities

New Delhi. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has asked all technical institutes and council-affiliated institutions to actively follow the guidelines for conducting written examinations for handicapped people as per the directions of the Supreme Court. asked to take action.

The Council has asked the institutions to disseminate the information of this guideline among the teachers and students. The circular of AICTE states that it is important to mention that the Supreme Court in the case of Vikas Kumar Vs UPSC and others on February 11, 2021, had asked the Government of India to prepare suitable guidelines for the convenience of writing in the examination for persons with disabilities. To provide and regulate them, where the disability hinders the candidate from appearing in the written examination.

The council said that these guidelines suggest suitable criteria where the condition of the candidates is duly certified by the competent medical authority so that only genuine candidates in need can get this facility. These guidelines may be called guidelines for conducting written examinations for persons with special disabilities within the definition of section 2(s) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 but will not fall within the purview of section 2(r). It states that such people who have difficulty in writing, they will be given the facility of writing and compensatory time, but for this, the affected person will have to be informed in writing and produce a certificate.

The candidate can choose the person to write for himself or herself or can request for the same from the examination body. It states that in the event of providing a scribe for a candidate who is subject to disability, the examination body shall ensure that his/her qualification should not exceed the minimum qualification of the examination.

It has been said in the guideline that such candidates should be given the facility of separate scribe for different examination papers, especially for language related papers, although one writer per subject may be given. It said that the candidates may be allowed to use assistive devices, hearing aids, prostheses. Compensatory time should not be less than 20 minutes per hour for the person who is eligible to take the written test for himself.

It states that as far as possible, the examination for such persons with disabilities should be conducted on the ground floor itself. Access to the examination centers should be easy for persons with disabilities. These guidelines are applicable to the written examination conducted by central recruiting agencies, academic institutions. The States/Union Territories may adopt these guidelines or formulate uniform guidelines accordingly. (Language)

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