How to use mask: What type of mask to use to avoid Omicron, know which way to apply mask is right. 1 News Track English

How to use mask: In view of the expansion of Omicron, it has now been made mandatory to wear a mask in UP. The government has given orders to implement it strictly. In such a situation, people should understand how important it is to wear a mask. To avoid the corona virus, the first protection wall is the mask, this thing is being said since the epidemic has come. But also know that if the right type of mask is not applied properly, then applying and not applying mask is equal.
what is the right mask
Since Omicron is highly contagious and multiplies 70 times faster than Delta that should be a strong protective mask. Researchers say that in this case only N-95 (N-95) or a similar high filter capacity mask will work. Experts clearly say that cloth masks will not provide you protection, at least from Omicron. Linsey Marr, a virus researcher at the University of Virginia, says that the cloth mask works like a normal filter, but a normal filter will not work in front of highly infectious variants like Omicron.
Marr says that according to preliminary data from the University of Hong Kong, Omicron multiplies 70 times faster than Delta in human respiratory tract tissue. In addition, Omicron reaches high-level tissue of the respiratory system 48 hours after infection. This also means that a person infected with Omicron will inhale more virus as well.
Since Omicron is highly contagious, even the slightest viral splash from an infected person is enough to infect someone else. Infectious disease specialist Dr Abrar Khan of Stanford University says that people should understand that even if you are not close to anyone in closed places, you can still get an infection. Because the virus floats for a long time in a closed environment.
which mask to wear
Given Omicron’s infectious potential, a mask should be used that can block viral splashes. The N-95, KN-95 and KF-94 masks are made of materials that have an electrostatic charge. The electrostatic charge attracts these floating splashes in the air, due to which they are not able to enter through human breath. If you do not inhale these splashes through your breath, then it does not reach your respiratory system.
N-95 mask is great for protection against infection
Electrostatic charge is also present in good surgical masks but surgical masks are loose and gaps remain on the nose, cheeks and chin. This also affects the efficiency of the mask. N-95 masks are considered best for maximum protection because after applying them, the space around the mouth and nose is completely sealed. If the N-95 mask is costly for you, then the solution is to apply a surgical mask and also put a cloth mask on it. The cloth mask should be such that it seals around the mouth and nose. Although this will not provide protection like N-95, but it will definitely be better than wearing only clothes or only surgical mask.
how to apply mask
, The nose and mouth part should be completely sealed with the mask, that is, there should be no gap between the mask and the face.
, There is no use in applying the mask by sliding it down the nose. Keep the nose well covered too. Keeping the mask on the chin is just foolishness, understand this.
, Masks must be worn in closed places, in public transport, in market-mall-office.
, If you are with people who have not been vaccinated, be sure to wear a mask.
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