Coronavirus: How will the epidemic affect the children of corona infected pregnant, big disclosure in the research 1 News Track English

Coronavirus New Research: Till now the whole world is battling badly due to Corona virus epidemic. The most frightening form of Kovid was seen during the second wave. Even now, various types of research (Corona Par Shodh) are going on around the world. Meanwhile, a research has come to the fore that what will be the effect of corona on the children of women infected with corona during pregnancy? This research is published in the ‘Journal of Perinatal Medicine’.
Research has shown that babies born to pregnant women who had corona have been followed up for six months, showing reassuring patterns of their growth and development. This disclosure has been made in a US report. Professor Malika Shah, senior author of this research and neonatologist at Lurie Children’s Hospital and medical director of Newborn Nursery, Prentice Women’s Hospital, said that we followed such children for 6 months, during which these children had the same growth pattern as normal children. And a developmental milestone was observed.
(symbolic photo credit – social media)
development like normal children
Like normal children, they showed reassuring patterns of growth and development, he said. In addition, the referral rate for development is also not high. This is a very good news in the time of pandemic. It has been told that a total of 33 women were included in this research. All these women had corona infection during pregnancy. 55 percent of these American women got corona within 10 days of delivery. While the corona test report of any child did not come positive.
Special attention was kept on the health and development of all these children. Professor Malika Shah said that this study was done on newborns born between April and July 2020. Till then the Kovid vaccine was also not available in the world. He also told that till that time when the study was done, there was no information about the corona variants. In such a situation, how much situation changed after the appearance of Kovid forms. Nothing can be said on this. In such a situation, the conclusion of the research in this regard is awaited.
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