
Coronavirus: Corona virus can remain in the whole body including brain for 230 days. 1 News Track English

Coronavirus: The most comprehensive study so far about the coronavirus has revealed its horrors. It has been found in the study that within a few days of entering the human body, the corona virus spreads from the respiratory tract to the heart, brain and almost all parts of the body. It spreads and can remain there for several months.

Scientists from the US National Institutes of Health have conducted a comprehensive study about the presence of corona virus in the body and brain. According to scientists, they have come to know that this virus has the ability to multiply in cells by going far beyond the respiratory tract.

In this study, published in the prestigious science journal Nature, it has been told that due to the long time taken for the virus to be removed from the body, some symptoms persist for a long time in the patients. According to scientists, understanding why and how the virus is constantly present in the body can be of great help in the care of patients. This study was done on people who died due to corona infection. In this, useful data was obtained from the post-death investigation and analyzed it. These patients were also those who died many days or months after infection. Researchers examined the dead by taking tissues from their bodies. This study was done during the first wave of Corona.

The first signs of infection persisted for 230 days

According to the institute’s doctor Daniel Cherto, no definite period was found for the virus to spread from the respiratory system to other organs and to clear the virus from the body. Researchers found that the first symptoms of corona virus infection persisted for 230 days in different parts of the body, including the brain of infected people. According to the researchers, the condition of virus reaching the brain was found equally among those with mild symptoms and those without symptoms.


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