Corona Update In India: Rapidly increasing corona cases, now community spread of Omicron. 1 News Track English

Corona Update In India: Corona Cases In India is increasing rapidly in the country and Omicron Case In India is also showing its color. Three days ago there were 578 cases of Omicron (Total Omicron Case IN India) but now they are near one thousand which means that Omicron infection is doubling in three days. The maximum number of Omicron cases are being found in Delhi. The way Omicron infection has spread in Europe and America, it is a matter of concern in India. In America, the daily average case for the last one week is 2.65 lakh, while in France on December 29, 2 lakh 8 thousand cases were found. This figure tells how highly infectious this variant is.
The total daily corona cases have now exceeded 10 thousand, whereas for the last 32 days, the average was around 8 thousand. Regarding the sharp increase in corona cases in 14 cities of the country, the central government has written a letter to eight states asking them to take necessary steps immediately. The Center has advised the states that steps need to be taken to keep the number of deaths due to the pandemic down. Delhi’s Graded Action Response Plan is being considered for implementation in other places as well. The central government has said that in eight districts the corona positivity rate has exceeded 10 percent, while in 14 districts it is between 5 and 10 percent. The positivity rate means that out of the number of people who were tested, how many positive cases came out. The Central Government has also said that the ‘R Not’ factor in the country is 1.22 and it is increasing. R not factor means how many more people an infected person can infect.
All flights coming from UK to Kolkata suspended till 3 January
The Central Government has today sent letters to Delhi, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and Jharkhand to increase corona testing, strengthen preparedness in hospitals and vaccination in India. Coverage and speed have been asked to increase. West Bengal has suspended all flights coming from United Kingdom to Kolkata till January 3.
condition of corona in delhi and mumbai
The maximum number of cases of corona are being found in Delhi and Mumbai. On December 29, 86 percent more (923) cases were reported in Delhi than the day before. At the same time, an 82 percent jump was seen in new cases in Mumbai and corona infection was confirmed in 2,510 people here. In Delhi, now such people are being found corona positive who have not even traveled. This means that now the community spread of Corona is happening.
Regarding Maharashtra, the Central Government has warned that there is a possibility of 150 times more cases in the third wave than in the second wave of Corona. In such a situation, there is a need to be very careful. In Maharashtra also such people are getting Omicron infected (Omicron case in Maharashtra) who have not traveled anywhere and who have not had contact with any infected person.
So far about three and a half crores have been infected
The total number of infected in India has increased to 3,48,22,040. Of these, 4,80,860 people have died. The number of active cases has increased to 82,402. The re-increasing number of active patients in the midst of a continuous decrease is a major cause for concern.
WHO has already given a warning
The World Health Organization (WHO) has already warned that Omicron and Delta variants together are causing a tsunami of new cases of corona virus in the world. This will increase the burden on the health system facing pressure and if the health system is broken then a new disaster will come. The organization has said that Delta and Omicron variants are the two threats, which are driving new cases to record levels. Due to this, the number of patients admitted to the hospital and the number of dead is increasing.
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