Commission urges White House to translate Biden’s speeches into Hindi-Asian languages

Washington. In view of the increasing influential role of Asian-Americans in the domestic politics of America, a commission set up by the President has urged the White House to translate all the speeches of President Joe Biden into Hindi and several other languages ​​of the region, so that more and more spoken by Americans.
Speeches given by the President and the Vice President are available only in English and thus inaccessible to a limited English knowing population of over 2.51 crore. Currently, Biden’s speeches are not being translated into their languages. The President’s Advisory Commission on Asian-Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) made the recommendation during its meeting this week.
During the meeting, a proposal was made by Indian-American community leader Ajay Jain Bhutoria, which was accepted by the commission. Bhutoria, a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur, is now one of the members of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and NHPI.
During the meeting, the commission recommended that within three months of this proposal, major keynote speeches by the President and Vice President of the United States should be translated into several Asian American and NHPI languages ​​and made available on the White House website as soon as possible. should go. The languages ​​recommended by the commission are Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Mandarin.