
Cancer: Now cancer cells will be detected in the blood, scientists have found a new way. 1 News Track English


Cancer New Research: At present, cancer has emerged as a dreadful disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the cause of one in six deaths worldwide. Talking about India, every year about 11 and a half lakh new cancer patients appear in the country and every year about 9 lakh people lose their lives due to cancer. Meanwhile, Russian scientists have got a big success. Actually, researchers have found a new and effective way to detect cancer cells in the blood.

Scientists from Saratov State University in Russia have done this research, which is published in the journal Scientific Reports. According to this study, scientists have found the parameters of laser radiation at which melanoma cells generate ultrasonic signals. This will make it possible to analyze a significant amount of blood and detect early cancer. It is considered to be a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.

Scientists say that about 90 percent of cancer deaths are related to the formation of metastasis. In such a situation, it is necessary to detect cancer cells in the patient’s blood at the earliest, so that after the cancer is detected at an early stage, the patient can get treatment at the right time.

(concept photo credit – social media)

How to know cancer cells?

Now let’s talk about how cancer cells will be detected in the blood, then it has been told that in this process a sample with blood is placed in Flow Cytometry, which is used to separate the blood cells at a time by a laser beam. flows into a cell and analyzes the cells’ response. This procedure makes it possible to measure blood cells and aid in diagnosis. Artificial cancer cells have been developed, which produce sound similar to cancer cells.

What is cancer?

The human body is made up of many types of cells or cells. These cells are controlled by the DNA of the body. Cells in the body are always dividing, and new cells are made. This is a normal process and the body has complete control over it. But when any cells of the body start growing in an unaccounted way, they give rise to cancer. Cancer begins due to changes in the genes of cells in the human body.

It is not that there is a change in the genes of the cells due to any particular reason, but sometimes it can also change itself or for any other reason such as consumption of drugs like gutka, tobacco, drugs etc. or ultraviolet ray and radiation etc. may be responsible for this. Cancer destroys the immunity of the body.

Types of Cancer (Cancer Ke Prakar)

According to doctors and researchers, more than 200 types of cancer can occur in humans and they have different types of symptoms. But some cancers engulf most people. As if-

1.Blood Cancer

2. Lung Cancer

3.Skin Cancer

4.Brain Cancer

5.Breast Cancer

6. Oral cancer

7. Liver Cancer

8. Lung Cancer

9. Colon Cancer

10. Bone Cancer

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