Be Brave, Be Strong And Stand

Hey Girls,
Do You Ever Feel Unsafe ?
Yes, Then Read It.
Yes we’re in the world where Women’s Empowerment Programs are nicely organized but still girls aren’t safe.
Everyday some Rape cases become the headlines of the newspapers as well as the breaking news.
Parents don’t feel safe to let their girl go somewhere at night. Even they can’t sleep well until their daughter come back.
The world isn’t Going To Change. Now Let’s Make Change In Ourselves. Let’s Try To Protect Ourselves.
So First of all If You’re alone at any place, don’t be afraid, Be Smart Enough. You Don’t Need To Fear Whenever You Are Alone But be aware about people around you And Try To Understand Their Action So That You can understand Their Actual Intension.
If You have any Doubt In Their Intension Towards You, Instead Of being fearful Be Brave Enough To Take The Situation Sharply.
If You are Feeling Little fearful, Directly Call To Nearer Person, parents or police or friends or relatives, Who can Help You to Come Out the place or situation.
Shout Loudly to call Anybody Around You. They May come To Help You.
And Till Somebody Come To You, You must handle the Situation Without Expressing Fear On Your Face. Yes, It’s The Situation Where The Girl Feel Unsafe But Don’t let your face Express It.
Try To Waste their Time By Making Yourself Confident Enough That They Can’t Touch You, till That Some one Reach To You.
If there is Anything Around You Like Stick Or Glass throw Towards Them And Run Away and Try To Hide Yourself.
Till Someone Come to Help, handle the Situation bravely.
“Be Strong Enough That No one can Touch You without your permission.”