After Lord Ram, now BJP leader compares PM Modi with Krishna…

New Delhi | Compare Modi with Krishna : While discussing a bill related to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, once again an attempt was made to describe PM Modi as God. A woman member of BJP compared Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Lord Krishna. He said that like Lord Krishna, PM Modi also has 16 arts. However, even before speaking before him, Deputy Chairman Harivansh twice advised the BJP member to confine his talk only to the Bill.

Modi is engaged in the welfare of the country except personal interest
Compare Modi with Krishna : Uikey, a BJP asset in the Upper House, made this statement while participating in the discussion on the Constitution (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2022. He said that the country had many Prime Ministers who worked for the welfare of the nation but they Remained confined to India only. Uike said that but PM Modi has a wonderful will and a sense of nation and world welfare, due to which he is engaged in work for the country and the world, leaving aside his personal interest.
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Modi is building India after Chandragupta Maurya
Compare Modi with Krishna : Uike said that whether it is America, Russia or neighboring enemy country Pakistan, they also praise Prime Minister Modi today. Uike said that the honorable Prime Minister is the Lord Krishna of today’s era. Sixteen arts were in Lord Krishna, those arts are also in honorable Modi ji. The BJP members did not stop there in praise. He compared the Prime Minister’s call of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Prayas” to that of the ancient Indian emperor Chandragupta Maurya. He said that Chandragupta Maurya had built Akhand Bharat, Prime Minister Modi is doing the same work.
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