Aankhon Ke Liye Exercise: This yoga is best for the eyes, all the problems will end from the root. 1 News Track English

Aankhon Ke Liye Exercise: Eyes are considered an integral part of the body. When the tongue is silent, the eyes express the feelings very well. Now it becomes even more important to take care of the part which conveys your mind to the people. In today’s changing lifestyle, there is a lot of stress and effect on the eyes. Whether you are a phone addict or an office worker. Due to the screen of computer and mobile for hours, your eyesight is affected.
Also, since the knock of the corona virus epidemic, children from small to old have to take online classes, due to which the health of the eyes is also being affected badly. In such a situation, it is necessary to take some time out and take care of the eyes. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you Yoga for the eyes (Aankhon Ke Liye Yoga), which will work to increase eyesight (Aankhon Ki Roshni) by eliminating eye strain (Aankhon Ka Tanav). The special thing is that there are many such yogas in which you will not have to work hard at all. You will also get relief, so let’s know which yoga should be done for the eyes (Aankhon Ke Liye Konsa Yoga Karna Chahiye)-
Yogasana (Photo- Newstrack)
Eye Yoga (Aankhon Ka Yoga)-
wink up
By the way, a person blinks his eyelids every second. But blinking the eyelids is also a kind of exercise, do you know this? Yes, you can also benefit your eyes by simply blinking your eyelids. For this, all you have to do is blink your eyelids continuously for at least three to four seconds. Then quickly close your eyes. After a few seconds, open your eyes comfortably, this will reduce eye strain. Eye fatigue will also go away.
Palming (Relaxation Exercise)
This exercise is the best to remove eye strain, stress. The great thing is that you can do it anytime and anywhere. All you have to do for this is to rub both the palms together and after the heat is generated, keep it on the eyes. After a few seconds, slowly open your eyes by removing the hands. In this way you massage your eyes for 10 to 20 seconds. By doing this, blood circulation also improves. Eye muscles will also get relaxation. Experts believe that this exercise also removes the problem of dryness.
rolling eyes
This exercise is considered very beneficial for keeping the eyes healthy and increasing the light. For this, write 8 on any wall and put it. Keep in mind that the wall should be 6 feet away from you. Then move your eyes according to the figure of 8. First clockwise and then anti clockwise. You should start seeing the difference in a few days. You can do this 10 to 15 times a day.
looking far profitable
If you want to increase your distance vision, then you must try this exercise. To practice this, you have to choose a target located far away. Have to try to see him. If you do this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes a day, it will strengthen your eyesight. Your focus will also increase.
exercises for focus
If you are thinking of a way to sharpen your focus, then this is going to prove to be the perfect exercise for you. In this, the person has to first focus on the thumb. Then slowly you have to bring your thumb near the eyes. After bringing it close to the eyes, slowly move it away from your eyes. Doing this will increase the focus.
Aankhon Ki Exercise
Sarvangasana (Photo Credits – Social Media)
This asana benefits the eyes in many ways. Along with the eyes, it is also beneficial for all parts of the body. This yoga asana is also called shoulder stand.
Method of doing Sarvangasana (Sarvangasana Karne Ka Tarika)-
First of all lie down on your back.
Now lift your legs, hips and waist upwards.
Put all the weight of your legs, hips and waist on your shoulders. You can support the back with your hands for balance.
Keep the legs straight and now take a long deep breath.
Stay in this posture for at least 30 seconds.
The method of doing Shavasana (Shavasana Karne Ka Tarika) is the easiest.
First of all, lie down on your back on the mat.
Now spread both your legs and bring a gap between the legs.
Similarly, spread both your hands and keep them at a distance of one foot from the body. Keep the neck straight and the fingers of the hands towards the sky.
Now close your eyes and slowly breathe in and out. Keep your eyes closed during this time.
How to do Anulom Vilom (Photo Credits – Social Media)
Anulom Vilom
This yoga is considered very beneficial in improving the health of the eyes. By practicing it regularly for 10 minutes, all kinds of problems related to eyes end.
Anulom Vilom Karne Ka Tarika Aur Fayde (Anulom Vilom Karne Ka Tarika Aur Fayde)
Sit down in the posture. Keep the waist and neck straight and close the eyes.
Now take your right hand on the nose.
Close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale through the left nostril.
Hold the breath for a few seconds and then exhale slowly through the left hole.
Now do this action with the left hole of the nose.
Close the left hole, slowly exhale through the right hole and then out.
Repeat this process.
Aankhen (concept photo credit – social media)
Remedy for eyes (Aankhon Ke Liye Upay)
Plenty of sleep is very important for healthy eyes. A person should take 6-8 hours of sleep daily.
Walking on green grass in the morning benefits the eyes. Especially when there is dew on the grass, then it benefits the eyes even more.
To increase the light of the eyes, cold water should be splashed in the eyes in the morning and evening. This gives freshness to the eyes. The light also increases.
Regularly doing Anulom-Vilom Pranayama every morning keeps the eyes healthy.
To increase the power of the eyes, gaze at the flame of the lamp. This will also increase the focus.
During work on computer and phone, close the eyes for some time in 3 to 4 hours, it gives rest to the eyes.
Wear sunglasses when going out of the sun, it will not affect the eyes.
Use a good quality makeup product on the eyes.
If there is more problem then definitely see the eye doctor.
Diet for the eyes (Photo Credits – Social Media)
Aankhon Ke Liye Diet
It is also very important to have a good diet to keep the eyes healthy. You should consume such a diet so that vitamin A can be supplied in the body. Along with this, you should also include foods containing vitamin E, copper and zinc in your diet.
What to eat- Almonds, fennel, gooseberries, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, watermelon, apricots, sweet potatoes, grapes, eggs, pumpkin, leafy vegetables and fish must be included in the diet.
Note- This news has been prepared on the basis of general information, so please consult your doctor before following these measures.
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