
Caution: It is very important to wear a seat belt even when sitting in the back of the car, in most of the accidents, the reason for the death of the passenger is not wearing the belt.

It is believed that if the well-known industrialist Cyrus Mistry had put the seat belt on the back seat, then there would have been no death.

Two days ago i.e. on September 4, former Tata Group chairman and well-known industrialist Cyrus Mistry died in a horrific accident when a speeding car collided with the divider in Palghar near Mumbai. The most surprising thing is that at that time he was riding in a Mercedes car, which is a very safe tax.

If we talk about this vehicle, the vehicle in which Cyrus had an accident is considered to be the safest vehicle in the world. Four people were in it at the time of the accident and Dr Anahita Pandole was driving the car. Darius Pandole, managing director and CEO of JM Financial Private Equity, was seated in the front seat wearing a seat belt. In the back seat, Cyrus Mistry and Darius Pandole’s brother Jahangir Binshah Pandole were traveling without seat belts. This is the reason that both the people sitting in the back seat lost their lives on the spot.

what’s wrong

Let us tell you that according to the information revealed in the investigation so far in this case, the biggest mistake in this accident was not fastening the seat belt of the people sitting in the back seat. It is believed that if he had fastened the seat belt, he might have been injured but he would not have died. Also, if the seat belts had been fastened, then all the airbags would probably have been opened. If the seat belt is not fastened in the vehicle, then no matter how many airbags are in the vehicle, it is insufficient to save life, because such a system is used in the airbags of the vehicles that if the seat belt is not properly locked then the airbag of the vehicle Sensors will not work. Due to which the sensors do not give a message to open the airbag even in the event of an accident.

Know the rules related to seat belt

As per the Motor Vehicle Act, it is mandatory for all vehicles to be fitted with a seatbelt on every seat. But most people do not consider it necessary to use it for the back seat. People consider the back seat of the car to be safer than the front seat, which is absolutely wrong. Think of it like this, sometimes at the time of an accident, the person sitting behind gets such a strong shock that 40 times more force than the Earth’s gravity is exerted on him in the forward direction. Which means that if a 70KG person is equal to the weight of 2800 kg and collides forward. In such a situation, if the person sitting in front is wearing a seat belt and the person in the back is not wearing a seat belt, then the person behind will hit the person in front with 40 times his weight. In this situation, the person sitting in the front seat can get seriously hurt and even die. While the chances of survival of the person sitting behind are negligible.

If you also do this mistake then change your habit today

People in India habitually do not take care of safety at all while driving. Such people should take a lesson from this accident. Whatever the vehicle, whether you are sitting in the front or the back, always wear a seat belt. Also, two wheeler drivers must always use a helmet. Safety features like seat belts and airbags are given in the vehicle for your safety and for this, the automakers also charge a significant amount from you in the price of the vehicle itself. Not using these features even after spending so much is just foolish. So keep using it and keep yourself safe.

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