
Coronavirus Update: Corona outbreak in IIT Kharagpur, number of infected students doubled in two days. 1 News Track English

Coronavirus Update: Corona has spread in the country’s top technology institute IIT Kharagpur and many students have been infected. An official of the institute has said that from the end of December to January 2, 43 students in IIT Kharagpur campus have been found positive in the corona test. This number has doubled in just two days.

Corona cases started coming to the fore after the convocation ceremony was held

In fact, after the convocation ceremony (IIT Kharagpur convocation) was held in the campus on December 18, cases of corona started coming to the fore. A few days later, some graduate students went to Kolkata for Christmas celebrations, from where the infection rate increased after their return. A self-imposed hall curfew by an institution from December 31 to January 3 is in force. An official said that no decision has been taken in this regard yet. Another official said that they are worried about the increase in the number of corona cases as about 5,500 students are on the campus.

There was a jump in the cases of corona infection due to the celebration of Christmas

By the way, IIT Kharagpur is calling the students to the campus so that they can use the internet facilities available in the hostels to attend online classes. Between 26 and 30 December, about 3,000 students visited the campus. Since it is a residential institution, the increase in infection has created concern among students and teachers. It is said that there has been a spurt in cases of corona infection due to coming out of the premises to celebrate Christmas. For this reason, hall curfew was imposed to stop the celebration of the new year. Under Hall Curfew, students of one hostel are not allowed to go to another hostel.

In the past, the institute had informed researchers that those who go home during Durga Puja will have to quarantine themselves in their rooms for about a week upon their return to the campus. But no such measure was taken during Christmas. Possibly this has made the situation worse.

Institute has now banned the return of students to the campus

However, the institute has stopped the return of students to the campus after a sudden sharp rise in the cases of corona across the country. The MTech and BTech first year students who were enrolled in July 2021 were to visit the campus from the first week of January. According to the institute, students who could not make it to last week’s slot are being asked not to come now. Later the students will be informed based on the assessment of the ground situation. It is understood that the IIT Kharagpur Administration will consider the advice of the Government of Bengal regarding what action to take next. The government has issued some guidelines on January 2. Since the outbreak of Corona in March 2020, there was a lot of infection in the IIT Kharagpur campus and since then the campus has been closed twice.

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