5 employees of Jammu and Kashmir government sacked for anti-national activities

Srinagar. The Jammu and Kashmir government on Saturday sacked five employees on charges of anti-national activities. The government has ordered the dismissal of five employees on charges of indulging in anti-national activities under Article 311 of the Constitution of India, an official statement said. Explain that under Article 311 of the Constitution of India, there is a provision to dismiss a person employed in civil capacities to the Union or a State. The activities of these employees had come to the adverse notice of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the statement said. They were found to be involved in activities prejudicial to the interests of the security of the State.
The employees against whom action has been taken include constable Tanveer Saleem in the Auxiliary Wing of Jammu and Kashmir Police, Syed Iftikhar Andrabi, Plantation Supervisor, Afaq Ahmed Wani, Manager of the Central Cooperative Bank Limited, Baramulla. Ahmed Wani), Irshad Ahmed Khan, the orderly-cum-watchman in the Jal Shakti department and Abdul Momin Peer, assistant lineman, PHE sub-division, Handwara. He said, the government has adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards anti-national elements, who are taking refuge due to their association with the government machinery. Prior to these five dismissals, 39 government officials have been dismissed invoking the provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution of India. In future also the government will not hesitate to take strict action against these anti-national elements. (IANS)