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World Arthritis Day: Eating too much protein also causes the problem of ‘arthritis’, gradually the movement of a person becomes difficult. 1 News Track English

World Arthritis Day: Eating too much protein also causes the problem of ‘arthritis’, gradually the movement of a person becomes difficult.  1 News Track English

World Arthritis Day: World Arthritis Day is celebrated every year on 12 October all over the world. About 15 percent of the patients in India are suffering from rheumatic diseases. That is, roughly 20-25 crore patients are arthritis patients in India alone. At the same time, it is also being seen that after the corona period, the problems of arthritis are increasing among the youth as well. So, according to health expert Professor Ram Shankar Upadhyay – eating more protein also leads to the problem of arthritis.

Symptoms of Arthritis:-

• Shortness of breath.

• Skin stains.

• Joint pain.

• Feeling tight on waking up in the morning.

• Tiredness.

• Fever.

• swollen joints.

• Problem in closing the fist and lifting any items.

Eating too much protein also causes ‘arthritis’

Professor Ram Shankar Upadhyay told that people who eat more protein, work less and the stomach is not cleared, then proteins accumulate in the body. Proteins mix in the blood to form a lysis substance. This is uric acid. He told that only this uric acid flows in the veins. Wherever it gets empty space, it gets frozen and dries up. It dries and becomes glass. There is a stinging sensation in the body while sitting. Free space is only in pairs. Gradually the man becomes a patient of arthritis and gradually the patient takes hold of the cot.

Photo of ‘World Arthritis Day’ (Photo: Social Media)

What to do to prevent gout diseases?

To prevent arthritis, we should take a diet rich in nutrients and vitamins in the diet. Also, it is very important to consume seasonal fruits, green vegetables, milk and curd. By controlling the weight and keeping the amount of carbohydrates and protein in the diet normal, this disease can also be avoided. Apart from this, do regular exercise, walk, yoga, cycling as well as stay in the sun for vitamin-D.


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