World AIDS Day 2021: What is the relationship between new variants of HIV and corona, know the opinion of scientists. 1 News Track English

World AIDS Day 2021: World AIDS Day is celebrated every year on this day (1 December) all over the world to make people aware of HIV infection. Celebrating World AIDS Day was started in August 1987. AIDS is said to be one of the deadliest diseases in the world. It is believed that the monkey of a particular species of Africa was first found infected with HIV and from there it spread all over the world. Till now this disease is incurable.
What is AIDS or HIV (Kya Hota Hai AIDS/ HIV)?
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus- HIV) is a serious disease caused by a type of life-threatening infection. It is also known as AIDS ie Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. When infected with HIV, the deadly infection attacks the person’s immune system and makes it weak, due to which the body is not able to fight even common diseases. It can take anywhere from 2 to 8 years for any patient to get HIV.
This is a very old disease. The first AIDS patient (AIDS’ First Patient) was revealed in the year 1981. According to a report, so far more than 37 million people have become victims of HIV and since the discovery of AIDS in 1981, more than 300 million people have died so far.
What is the reason for getting AIDS?
unprotected sex.
by exchange of blood.
By transmission from mother to infant.
Corona virus (concept photo credit – social media)
Relationship between new variants of HIV and corona?
For the past several days, news is coming out about the Omicron variant of HIV and Corona. Actually, it is being speculated that the new variant of Coronavirus has come from an AIDS patient whose immunity had become very weak. Obviously, the first case of Omicron variant was found in South Africa, where about 82 lakh AIDS patients live. Not only this, it is also said that the source of the beta variant of Corona was also an HIV-infected person from South Africa.
Scientists say that the immunity of patients suffering from AIDS is very weak, due to which the body is not able to fight against common diseases. In such a situation, if the corona virus remains for a long time, then it can spread to other people in a stronger strain.
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