Why should India’s temple should be liberated from government control

On the off chance that individuals don’t have the opportunity to rehearse their religion the manner in which they need, what sort of opportunity is that? Prior to the 75th Independence Day, we should free the sanctuaries
A year ago, the public authority of Tamil Nadu presented a report to the Madras High Court expressing that in 11,999 temples in the state, there is no pooja or custom occurring as there is no income. In 34,000 sanctuaries, there is just a single individual to deal with every one of the issues of the space. While 37,000 templess record an income not as much as Rs 10,000 for each annum. They assessed that around 12,000 sanctuaries will bite the dust in the following not many years.
An authority proclamation by the public authority confirms that 1,200 divinities have disappeared, taken. A few cops have composed books asserting that great many divinities are phony, as the first symbols have been taken and supplanted with fakes over the most recent 25 years.
This isn’t online media drama. This is an unmistakable reality that we are confronting. In the event that we proceed with like this, in an additional 100 years, aside from a couple of significant sanctuaries, every one of them will be wiped out.
How could we end up here?
As a matter of first importance, a sanctuary is an emotional issue. You can’t run a sanctuary with simple workers. You need energy and commitment for it. However, at this moment, sanctuaries are in government control, and somebody who has no inclination for the sanctuary is overseeing it, so normally, they won’t keep it well. A sanctuary isn’t a business yet the spirit of the local area. It must be dealt with huge contribution and commitment.
Stranglehold on sanctuaries: A provincial heritage
For what reason is the public authority overseeing sanctuaries? There is a long history to this.
In 1817, the primary Madras Regulation was passed and the East India Company – a corporate – assumed control over the sanctuaries. Their concept of a sanctuary was land, gold, jewels – riches. They moved all that they could, and what they couldn’t is left here in the sanctuaries. At that point in 1840, there was a mandate to deliver the sanctuaries back; this was a result of Christian ministers who fought that it was shameful for Christians to oversee agnostic sanctuaries. At any rate, the gold was taken, so they had no business there any longer. In 1925, sanctuaries were turning into the centers of getting sorted out opportunity developments, so the Madras Religious and Charitable Endowments Act was acquired, to bring them under government control. Since the minority networks firmly dissented, their places of love were delivered, and just Hindu sanctuaries were held.
After freedom, the Tamil Nadu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act was passed. The Tamil Nadu sanctuaries are heavily influenced by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR and CE) Department.
On the off chance that you read the basic rights conceded to each Indian resident in the Constitution and afterward take a gander at the HR and CE laws, it is totally ridiculous. The very truth that a specific local area is focused on, and can’t keep its own places of love, adds up to nothing not as much as politically-sanctioned racial segregation. Can any anyone explain why every other person can deal with their strict issues, yet one local area, which is the lion’s share local area, can’t?
Enthusiasts can release the capability of sanctuaries
Right now, 44,000 sanctuaries with over a large portion of 1,000,000 sections of land of land are under the administration of the public authority of Tamil Nadu. In any case, the income from this is just Rs 128 crore for each annum. In examination, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee has 85 gurdwaras in their grasp, yet their financial plan is over Rs 1,000 crore. For 44,000 sanctuaries that have a place with a local area containing 87% of the populace, an income of Rs 128 crore resembles horrifying botch.
A typical contention is, “In the event that you give the sanctuaries back to the local area, will they oversee them better? Possibly they will do more terrible.” What this way to say is that in 87% of the populace, you can’t track down a small bunch of individuals with the important trustworthiness and ability to do this. This is silly.
In the event that you leave the sanctuaries to the fans, they will oversee them in a great, energetic way. There are numerous modules you could use to run sanctuaries. For instance, take a gander at the way gurdwaras are run – the measure of food that the langars give, and how they connect with individuals in the midst of hardship. Envision the spending that sanctuaries might have, given the measure of land income they could acquire. They could accomplish such a great deal more. You could take care of pandemics, cataclysmic events, and different emergencies that happen in the district. Most importantly, in light of the fact that they are associated with the local area, they can deal with such circumstances in a compelling manner by utilizing cash productively – dissimilar to the public authority where cash is separated through the framework, and a couple of lets stream fall down more often than not.
Likewise, the volume of individuals’ perspiration and blood that has been put resources into the last not many thousand years in these sanctuaries isn’t little. You can run the whole state simply on sanctuary the travel industry. Since the sanctuary isn’t just about a specific religion. The sanctuary is about craftsmanship, history, culture. Particularly in Tamil Nadu, the sanctuary tower is the state insignia. Large numbers of our towns are classified “sanctuary towns” as the sanctuary is the center of that town. In view of the sanctuary, there is a town – not the opposite way around. The measure of work that has been done is totally mind boggling, as far as design, figure, workmanship and designing. There is nothing similar to it elsewhere on the planet, yet we are simply allowing it to grieve due to our lack of concern. The time has come to fix that.
Exercise your popularity based ideal for sanctuaries
I immovably accept that in a vote based country, before the political decision, each capable resident should obviously express what are the couple of things that should occur in their country or state. Ideological groups should realize that this is the thing that individuals need and they should make their declarations dependent on that. However, assuming individuals don’t utter a word now and, dissent, cry, and offer remarks after the political decision is finished – this is flippant populace. This is the reason I am pitching the issue now.
As far as activity, my attention is on Tamil Nadu right now in light of the fact that the Tamil Nadu HR and CE laws are the most draconian. Of the multitude of states, the Tamil Nadu government holds the most noteworthy number of sanctuaries under its influence; on the off chance that we can set a model here, the development will normally take off wherever else.
As of late the major ideological groups in Tamil Nadu declared amounts of cash for sanctuary rebuilding and travel stipend for making journeys. Tragically, what is missed here is that the idea of giving compensation was intended for minorities in light of the fact that the root of their religion is far away; their places of journey are in outside nations and they can’t manage the cost of the movement use. For Hindus, our sanctuary is our journey. You can drive, go for a train or stroll. Indeed, even today, a large number of individuals make journeys from the Himalayas to Rameswaram and back by foot. They do it discreetly, and the public authority need avoid that. It is our business. We needn’t bother with cash for that.
What we need is for the public authority to return sanctuaries to be overseen by lovers. The people group should stand up and say to ideological groups, “In the event that you don’t surrender the sanctuaries to us, we won’t decide in favor of you.” The handover need not be done hurriedly in one-shot. It is a perplexing cycle and ought to be done appropriately. The significant thing is to initially show a purpose. A commission could be delegated to develop a cycle of devolution of our sanctuaries back to the local area.
Most importantly, following 74 years of free India, if individuals don’t have the opportunity to rehearse their religion the manner in which they need, what sort of opportunity is that? Prior to the 75th Independence Day, we should free the sanctuaries.