Traffic Alert: 2000 rupees challan can be deducted even after wearing helmet, don’t make this mistake

Traffic Alert
Traffic Alert: Helmet protects your life while driving a two wheeler. But in India, people often consider it a burden. This is the reason that it is mandatory to wear helmet while driving a two-wheeler under the Motor Vehicle Act. People wear helmets out of compulsion, but only because of fear of challan and not to protect their lives.
Keeping this in mind, the rules fixed in the law for wearing helmets have also been implemented. In such a situation, even if you are wearing a helmet, you may have to pay a heavy challan for not following these rules. In the new Motor Vehicle Act also, arrangements have been made for heavy challans for not following the rules of helmets.
Helmet Rules
Challan is deducted for not closing the helmet strap
According to the Motor Vehicles Act, if you wear a helmet while driving a motorcycle or scooter but forget to fasten its strap, it can also lead to punishment. According to rule 194D MVA, a challan of Rs 1000 will be deducted for the bike or scooter driver.
Helmet must be BIS certified
The helmet should always be BIS certified as per the Motor Vehicles Act. If you buy a cheap helmet which is not BIS certified, then your challan is certain to be deducted. Wearing without BIS helmet can lead to a fine of more than ₹ 1000 as per 194D MVA. Helmets without BIS are unable to protect your head and often break during accidents. In such a situation, wear a good helmet not only for the challan but also for yourself.
Invoice on broken helmet
The helmet is there to protect your life. In such a situation, if you wear a defective or broken helmet, then it is of no use to you. To explain this, the traffic police can deduct your challan of 1000 rupees.
It is also illegal to sell helmets without BIS
The Central government had made Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)-certified helmets mandatory for helmets two years ago. Under this, the manufacture and sale of helmets without BIS certified will also be an offense.
Helmet is also necessary for children
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways recently updated the safety rules and made new rules for carrying children below four years of age on two-wheelers. Under this, a helmet and harness belt are necessary while transporting a child on a scooter or bike. Apart from this, the speed of the two-wheeler cannot exceed 40 km per hour.
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