Vivo’s premium smartphone series X70 is going to be launched in India three days. At the same time, its price has been leaked even before the launch. According to media reports, the price of Vivo X70 Pro can start from Rs 46,990. At the same time, you may have to pay Rs 69,990 for its Vivo X70 Pro + variant. Zeiss cameras will be supported in these smartphones. For performance, it has been given Exynos 1080 processor. Know about the specifications of the smartphones of this series.
Vivo X70 Pro+
The company’s top variant Vivo X70 Pro + smartphone has a 6.78-inch Ultra HD AMOLED display, which has a resolution of 1,440×3,200 pixels and a refresh rate of 120Hz. The phone is equipped with Snapdragon 888+ processor. It has 12GB RAM and up to 512GB internal storage.
camera and battery
Talking about photography, the quad rear camera setup has been given in Vivo X70 Pro +, whose primary camera is 50 megapixels. Whereas it has a 48 megapixel ultra wide angle lens, 12 megapixel portrait lens and 8 megapixel periscope sensor. The phone has a 32-megapixel front camera for selfie and video calling. To bring life to life, a battery of 4500mAh has been given in it.
Specifications of Vivo X70
Vivo X70 smartphone has a 6.56-inch Full HD + AMOLED display, which has a resolution of 1,080×2,376 pixels and 120Hz refresh rate. The phone works on the Android 11 operating system. This smartphone is equipped with MediaTek Dimensity 1200 processor. It has 12GB of RAM and up to 256GB of internal storage.
camera and battery
The camera of Vivo X70 smartphone is very good. It has a 40-megapixel Sony IMX766V sensor, while a 12-megapixel ultra wide angle lens and a 12-megapixel portrait lens have been used in the phone. Not only this, a 32-megapixel front camera has been given in the smartphone for selfie and video calling. For power, a 4,400mAh battery has been given in it.
Mi 11 Ultra will compete
Vivo X70 Pro + will compete with Mi 11 Ultra in India. It has a 6.81-inch 2K WQHD + display, which has a resolution of 3,200 × 1,440 pixels. For protection, Gorilla Glass has been installed on it. This phone works on Android based MIUI 12 operating system. The phone is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor. It has 12GB RAM and 256GB internal storage. The phone is available in Black and White color options. It has a triple rear camera setup, whose primary camera is 50-megapixel Samsung GN2 wide-angle sensor with optical image stabilization. The phone has a 5,000mAh battery, which comes with a 67W charger. The price of this smartphone is Rs 69,990.
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