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UP Saur Urja Yojana 2022: Solar Energy Assistance Scheme Online Form, Benefits

UP Saur Urja Yojana 2022: Solar Energy Assistance Scheme Online Form, Benefits

UP Saur Urja Yojana Online Application Form 2022, Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Assistance Scheme Know the online application process, eligibility and benefits. Uttar Pradesh Saur Urja Sahayata Yojana Apply Online

A special scheme has been started by the Uttar Pradesh government for the workers and workers and their families engaged in construction work. whose name Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Assistance Scheme Is. Through this scheme, the workers engaged in building construction work will be given the benefit of solar energy. The benefit of UP Saur Urja Yojana will be given to all the registered workers and their families.

Uttar Pradesh Saur Urja Sahayata Yojana Through this, the energy-related needs of all the registered workers will be met. There will also be lights in the homes of the workers and their families of the state. Their children will also get help in studies. If you are also engaged in the construction works of Uttar Pradesh, then you can also get the benefit of this scheme. For which you have to apply through offline/online. Today we will provide you information related to Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Scheme through this article.

UP Saur Urja Yojana 2022

For the workers, workers and their families engaged in construction work by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. UP Solar Energy Assistance Scheme has been initiated. Under this scheme, those workers who are employed in building and other construction works are workers of the unorganized sector who belong to the very poor and exploited class. They will be provided free solar power assistance by the state government. So that electricity can be delivered to their homes as well. UP Solar Energy Assistance Scheme All those families will get benefit through this. Those engaged in the construction work. To get the benefit of this scheme, it is very important for the workers to be registered. The energy related ie electricity related requirements of all the registered workers will be met by the state government. To get the benefit of this scheme, the application can be applied both online / offline.

Pradhan Mantri Solar Panel Yojana

Key Highlights Of Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Assistance Scheme 2022

UP Saur Urja Sahayata Yojana purpose of

The main objective of starting the UP Solar Energy Sahayata Yojana by the Government of Uttar Pradesh is to fulfill the energy / lighting requirements of the registered beneficiary workers and their families. Due to which their efficiency will increase and dependent children will also get help in studies. Because a huge population of Uttar Pradesh is living below poverty line which is not able to get electricity connection. All such labor families will be given free electricity connection by the state government under the Solar Energy Assistance Scheme. So that there can be light in their homes too.

UP Solar Energy Assistance Scheme Benefit

Under the Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Sahayata Yojana, all those registered and labor beneficiaries who are covered under the Act. From the next working day, an amount of Rs 250 will be taken from all the beneficiaries as contribution.

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Benefits of Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Sahayata Yojana

  • Through the Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Sahayata Yojana, all the labor families of the state will get the benefit of free solar energy electricity connection.
  • Through this scheme, all kinds of electricity related problems of labor families will be solved to a great extent.
  • Two LED bulbs, a DC table fan, a solar panel charging controller and a mobile charger will also be provided to the labor families by the UP government under this scheme.
  • Electricity will also be provided to the families of workers through this scheme.
  • Beneficiaries will be able to live their lives smoothly by getting the benefit of Solar Energy Assistance Scheme.
  • Children will be able to do their studies well. Now they will not have a problem of darkness.

UP Saur Urja Sahayata Yojana eligibility for

  • The applicant should be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh to get the benefit of this scheme.
  • For Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Sahayak Yojana, all the registered construction workers of the state will be eligible for this scheme.
  • To get the benefit of this scheme, the applicant should not have availed the benefit of solar light/lantern in any other scheme.
  • Workers must have a labor card to apply for the Solar Energy Assistant Scheme.
  • Workers or husband wife, parents will be eligible for this scheme.
  • The son and unmarried daughter of the worker below 21 years of age will be eligible for this scheme.

E Shram Card Balance Check

Required Documents

  • Ration card
  • Aadhar card
  • labor card
  • passport size photo
  • mobile number
  • thumb impression

UP Saur Urja Sahayata Yojana How to apply offline under

  • First of all you have to go to your nearest labor office / Tehsil / Block Officer / Tehsildar of Tehsil.
  • You will also have to go to any one of these and get the application form under the Solar Energy Assistance Scheme.
  • You will receive the application form in duplicate. After receiving the application form, you have to carefully enter all the necessary information asked in the form.
  • After entering all the necessary information, you will have to attach the attested copy of the certificate of registration of the worker along with the required documents along with the application form.
  • Now you have to submit the application form along with the documents there. from where you got it.
  • You will be given an acknowledgment receipt indicating the date of receipt by the officer receiving the application. Which you have to keep safe with you.
  • In this way you can apply offline under the UP Solar Energy Sahayata Yojana.

Process to apply online for UP Solar Energy Sahayata Yojana

  • First of all you need to know about Uttar Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. official website will go on.
  • After this the home page of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you have to click on the option of Apply Scheme at the bottom.
  • On clicking, the application form of the scheme will open in front of you.
  • In this, first of all you have to choose your circle.
  • Then you have to select the Solar Energy Assistance Scheme.
  • Now you have to enter your registered Aadhar card number and your registered mobile number.
  • After completing all the process you have to click on the option of Open Application Form.
  • After which your application form will open in front of you.
  • You have to enter all the required information asked in the form.
  • After entering the information, you have to upload all the required documents asked for.
  • Finally, you have to click on the option of all.
  • Here you will get a reference number, you have to note it with you and keep it safe.
  • In this way the process of applying under your Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Sahayata Yojana will be completed.

How to download application form online?

  • first you plan official website will go on.
  • After this the home page of the website will open in front of you.
  • you on the home page What’s new You have to click on the option.
  • Now many types of options will come in front of you. From which you have to click on the download option.
  • You have to click on the option of Download Common Application Form.
  • As soon as you click on this option, your application form will be downloaded in the form of Pdf.
  • In this way you can easily download the online application form.
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