Bacchon Ko Mobile Se Nnuksan: Are you also troubled by watching children’s mobiles, then do this work. 1 News Track English

Bacchon Ko Mobile Se Nnuksan: Is your child also always glued to the mobile, then you should be careful. Because excessive use of mobile can prove to be harmful for your child. According to doctors, due to excessive use of mobile, mental diseases like depression, insomnia and irritability are increasing in children.
Apart from this, many fatal diseases like headache, loss of appetite, loss of eyesight, eye pain, neck pain are emerging in children due to mobile addiction (mobile phone side effects). Which is not good for the health of the children from anywhere. Today we will tell you the ways to get rid of these habits of children, by adopting which you can eliminate this habit in your children.
love to explain anything to children pic(social media)
How children get used to watching mobile (bacchon Me Mobile Dekhne Ki Adat)
It has often been seen that when moms are busy in some work, they themselves give them mobiles to keep them busy. But doing this becomes a habit of the children. Or nowadays, since the Korana period has gone, even then children have started watching more mobiles. Because due to online class, the children used to have mobile.
How to get rid of mobile addiction(Kaise Chudayen Bacchon Me Mobile Ki Lat)
You cannot get rid of the addiction of watching children’s mobile in a day. It will take some time for you to get rid of the mobile habit from the children and some time for the child to bring change in his habit. So take any decision with patience. So that children do not get hurt by any of your steps. Let us know how you can easily get rid of this habit of watching mobile in your child.
play outdoor games for kids pic(social media)
Play Outdoor Games
You will also have to give some time to keep the children busy. There are lots of outdoor games that can inspire kids to play. Children’s health will also be good by playing these games. And the kids will be busy too.
Learn Children’s interest
It is very important for the parents to know the interests of the children. Maybe there is some talent hidden inside him in which he can make his future. Therefore, knowing the interest of the children, you can keep them busy by putting them in that work.
Talk to children(Bacchon Se Kare Baat)
Always keep talking to children. This will keep you informed of what your kids are doing when. And most of all, by talking to children, you can increase friendship with them. By doing this, if the children are in any problem, then they can feel free to ask you.
Mobile Kam De (bacchon Ko Mobile Kam De)
Smartphones have become an important part of our life. When the children grow up, you will have to give them mobiles. So sometimes you can give mobile to children for some time.
Explain to children(Bacchon Ko Samjhaye)
If your child does any work that is not right for him. That’s when you want your child to be comfortable and lovingly explaining what is wrong and what is right. Surely your child will understand your point.
WHO warning(WHO KI Chetawani)
WHO has also said that watching mobiles of children is wrong and has also warned about the danger caused by it. The World Health Organization has warned children under the age of 5 to spend more time in front of screens. This has a direct impact on the physical and mental development of children.