The country’s gas chamber from Delhi itself!

I came to Delhi in 1975. In 1985, for the first time abroad, he went to London. I don’t care how many times I settled in Delhi and went to London! But I have seen Delhi and London, along with them, from the great developed Washington, Paris to the little Mauritius to Port Louis to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, and I have the undeniable conclusion that in 47 years the same poverty as Delhi, the characterlessness, the clumsiness. And the island of suffocating-poisonous breath has become that poison of 75 years of independent India, from which every Indian is hollow, but without any care that he is leading a polluted, dirty life.
Think, where did the most development happen in 75 years? in Delhi! Where were the most alleged capable officers posted? in Delhi! Where was and is the most so-called wise leader, the so-called educated wise-elite? in Delhi! Which is the city of the best scientists, doctors, researchers, environmentalists? Delhi Where is the center of the country’s discussions, the drummers of wisdom and the media? Delhi Where are the municipalities and institutions that spend the most money in town-planning, gardens? in New Delhi! Where is the headquarters of the cleanliness campaign and its leader, the Prime Minister? in Delhi! Meaning the heart, breath, its meaning, its concerns and the demographic character of the country’s 140 crore people of India, the name of the only and number one city is Delhi!
And what was this Delhi 75 years ago and what is it today? I am currently on the run from Delhi. I am in Rajasthan. And this happens in winter for many years. Aging and in the latter part of my life I want to go anywhere Jaipur, Bhopal, Chandigarh, leaving this dirty city of smog, frost and suffocating rays of the sun, with a sore throat, cough from unwanted Diwali. I think
Because of that, I have very closely understood the transformation of Delhi. Delhi is hell or not, gas chamber or not, whether it is a Sanatani power center to loot Indians or not, there are many global headlines for its proof. But in 75 years of independence, and 47 years of my own experience, the gist of it is that Delhi has the potential to become the corruptest capital of the world. Delhi means corrupt, cultureless, characterless, polluted, stifling and suffocating poisonous life that inculcates inferiority in every aspect of human life Delhi is the gas chamber!
And it is from this Delhi that the nation-state of India has deteriorated, is deteriorating continuously. The country is corrupt from Delhi itself. The politics of the country is polluted. Hindu society lives in darkness and superstitions. India’s breath, its power, economic independence, is ending with fear. People’s personal freedom, intellect-knowledge-expressions of truth are being whipped from the authority of this Delhi. Delhi is that great mountain of garbage of the whole of India, whose breath and by whose nature the life of India and its 140 crore people is getting worse year after year and meaningless and selfish, mean.
Understanding all this, we Indians do not understand the skull because if the heart and mind are slaves accustomed to living in the polluted climate, in the gas chamber, in their well, then how will the reality flash that Delhi and the capitals of other countries, India and other countries How come there is such a difference? For 47 years I have been watching the formidable form of the gas chamber of Delhi being built. The world has also gone. This is not the case with the world capital London. Delhi is highly polluted and London is worth living, the reason for this difference is only and only that the mind of us Indians is a hostage to the mood of the unconscious!
My intellect has stopped thinking in this matter that if Delhi gas chamber is made from Punjab-Haryana stubble, then why are Chandigarh, Panchkula or Jammu, Alwar, Jaipur not made? Was talking to Dr. Vedapratap Vaidik this morning. He had to tell that he was in Panchkula, Haryana two days ago. While breathing there, he did not suffocate at all. Yes, in the plains below Una and Solan of Himachal, adjacent to Punjab-Haryana, it is never heard that it is hell to live there by burning stubble by the farmers of Punjab.
Then why the hell is Delhi the capital of the country? The issue of natural reasons i.e. south of the wind in winter, towards Delhi, has its place, but it has been so for decades. And if the factor of stubble in pollution plays a role of 12 to 22 percent, then the remaining 78 percent is due to Delhi itself. What is this reason not because of gradual evolution or annihilation? The development that belongs to Delhi is also of the country. Pollution is everywhere but the Gangotri of the whole country is Delhi because the people sitting in Delhi did not even see the basic understanding that even if the capital London has taken the open form of a hundred years ago, then it is because of the planning of basic understanding of human settlement. Is. In my eyes, in 47 years, every ruler of Delhi, from the New Delhi Municipality to the Municipal Council, the Delhi Government, has deliberately tied Delhi in that contract of slums, diesel usage and all-round construction that if it becomes crowded and ruined, then as Paradigm His model is the model of the country.
Be it the Governor of New Delhi Municipality or the Minister of CPWD or the Prime Minister of India, everyone’s planning, everyone’s vision, everyone’s development, everyone’s politics, the seed of everyone’s wealth is contractors and contractors! The White Hall area of ​​London, 47 years ago, was the same as the area of ​​the Queen, Prime Minister, Ministries, even today, even during the time of Rishi Sunak becoming the Prime Minister, it is evident from the helicopter coverage of the BBC. Just the opposite is the difference of day and night between New Delhi in 1947 and New Delhi of today. Pandit Nehru then built workers’ colonies side by side. New buildings of the ministries were built. And the same thing is happening today. The construction of Nehru’s time is being demolished and now new multi-storey buildings are being built for the employees. A new Parliament building is being built in place of the Parliament building built by the British. New buildings of ministries are being built. The democracy of the British is three hundred and four hundred and the Parliament House is going on from the place eight hundred years old, the parliamentarians work in the parliament hall there even while standing and there are empty spaces in the ministries due to the decreasing work of the government and The Prime Minister lives in a house that is hundreds of years old. But look at the great work of the contractors of the great India and its capital, New Delhi, that if the new palace is being built for the Prime Minister, then the empty Rashtrapati Bhavan is a model of every kind of polluted India standing in the midst of the haze of pollution!
Only then is modern Delhi really ugly, corrupt and polluted by the misdeeds and contractors of plunderer-stupid rulers. Delhi’s pollution, Delhi’s filth and Delhi’s characterless, mean-spirited mood are the result of those ‘Bharat Sanskars’ built over 75 years, from which nothing healthy is possible. Dr. Veda Pratap Vaidik had come to Delhi six-eight years before me. When I spoke to him on the Delhi of then and now, in his opinion the number one symptom of the downfall of Delhi is Delhi is now mean. Meaning, if there is work, then people will ask and otherwise, how many favors have been done to anyone, everyone will be forgotten. I found this meaning to be derived from the experiences of the contemporary i.e. Modi-BJP Raj. No doubt, Delhi today is not only the Gangotri of super pollution of dirt, but it is the peak of moral degradation, dishonesty in which everything is for sale. Where power, politics, thoughts and intelligence are all sold in the market of horse-trading. Duryodhana’s Indraprastha. The Delhi of 2022 is that meaningless capital, in which there is no humanity, no cleanliness, no sensitivity and no responsibility or accountability.
Yes, such pollution without visible, unannounced form of hustle and bustle quietly dissolves poison in the air of people, makes the mind-body-behavior weak. Delhi’s climate and its character is also continuously polluting the life and life of 140 crore people. Its sense is not like the shock of disaster, but the age of the citizens is decreasing, the lungs are getting weak, it is understandable. I or anyone may have fled from Delhi due to suffocation of pollution, I am from Delhi. Neither my salvation nor any Indian is free from Delhi’s corruption, irrationality, its lies and meanness!