deep-rooted roots of inequality

Raghu Thakur
US President Joe Biden set three goals for his government’s development in Baltimore in November, setting his government’s goals – to lower the price of goods, ensure that essential goods are abundantly available in the market, and that American citizens can afford Bringing back employment
This speech of the US President is being analyzed in many ways in the intellectual world of the whole world. Some are seeing them as their inclination towards socialism, while left intellectuals are analyzing it as the helplessness of capitalism to be centered towards the common man. But from the point of view of Gandhian socialism, Biden’s speech can be considered neither a leaning towards socialism nor the helplessness of capitalism, but it can be seen as a strategy for capitalism’s own defense.
It is an established truth that capitalism thrives on the corpse of the poor and the weak, but to spend their lives on the corpse and to keep the prices of things low for them to survive, that is, by making them available at low rates with the help of state funded grants. Or a part of their needs has to be given to them free of cost. It is an attempt to keep the poor section alive as well as the governments themselves to keep them alive. To make the middle class also happy and tempted, it is necessary to reduce the inflation of the market, to provide the necessary materials in abundance.
Even the policy that Joe Biden has set to employ American youth has now become a necessity for America. America is now returning from globalization and moving towards Americanism to employ American youth. This is a matter of serious concern for India, because millions of Indian youth are working in America in high positions and high salaries, this policy can become alarm bell for them anytime.
On December 7, 2021, a hundred economists of the world have released the ‘World Inequality’ report. For the past few years, there was regular annual publication of such reports by the University of Oxford and Cambridge, which presented the facts of increasing inequality in the world in front of the world. But now why these economists had to release this report separately, it should also be investigated. Is there any statutory, non-legal or economic deprivation reason for these or is there some other reason?
However, the figures given in relation to India in the report of hundred economists and which have not been denied by the Government of India so far, are shocking. According to this, the income of fifty percent of India’s population i.e. sixty-five crore people has decreased by thirteen percent this year. Last year it was reduced by about thirty percent during the period of closure. Half of the country’s population has almost nothing in the name of property.
The bottom fifty percent of the country’s population has an average per capita wealth of Rs 66,230, which is only six percent of the country’s total wealth. But what does property mean today? Not even a single room can be built with this amount. We all know that the average figure is something else to look at but in reality it is something else like ivory teeth have more to show and eat.
When taking the average of the wealth of the poor, then it also includes the wealth of the rich, who have assets worth lakhs of crores, and while taking the average of the wealth of the rich, those fifty percent poor are also included, whose average wealth is say sixty-six. It is around a thousand, but in reality it is not even worth six thousand rupees. That is, by taking the composite average of the entire population in the country, the wealth of the rich is less and the wealth of the poor is estimated more.
The middle class of the country, whose population is said to be about twenty crores, has an average wealth of seven lakh twenty nine thousand per person, which is only twenty nine and a half percent of the total wealth of the country. That is, the total population of the country has only thirty five percent of the total wealth of the country and the remaining sixty five percent is with all the rich. Those thirteen crore people who are the top wealthiest of the country, have an average of sixty three lakh fifty four thousand rupees per capita, and one percent of the country’s capitalists have an average per capita wealth of three crore twenty four lakh and forty nine thousand rupees, which is the country’s Thirty three percent of the total assets.
Similar is the situation with inequality of income. The average income of adults in the country is two lakh rupees, while the income of fifty percent adults is only fifty three thousand rupees annually, that is, four and a half thousand per month. This is a picture of India’s inequality. But the capitalist world and the propaganda system want to eliminate inequality or avoid the discussion of equality. Because he knows that the discussion of equality can become a time for him.
Employment in the country has declined sharply in the last two years, while the Indian government is claiming growth in the economy. The government side says that we have not only crossed the era of the epidemic, but before the epidemic, the rate of economic growth in the country was 7.1 percent, now the growth rate has crossed it to 8.4 percent. Now on one hand the rate of economic growth is being said to be one and a half percent more and on the other hand jobs are decreasing, this mystery has to be understood. According to the estimates of many global organizations, more than 12 crore jobs have been lost in the last two years and by 2025, there will be almost the same number of fewer jobs. That is, twenty five crore people will become newly unemployed. What a development that economy is booming and unemployment is booming!
The deceitfulness of government data is understood from the fact that according to the government, the consumer price index has remained stable at four-five percent for a long time, but the wholesale price index has crossed twelve percent. Now if the wholesale prices increase, the consumer price index should automatically increase. Actually, this is a three-sided conspiracy of the government side.
In the last two years, the Government of India has earned about eight lakh crore rupees only by increasing the tax on the prices of diesel-petrol, the increase in the prices of gas cylinders etc. is different. On the one hand the government’s program of digitalization and on the other hand the nexus of internet rates hiked by Reliance and other mobile companies has to be understood. Now when everything from education to other work has to be online and digitized, then the monthly internet fee has been increased from one hundred to two hundred rupees. In the month of November alone, about forty thousand crore rupees were withdrawn from the pockets of the consumers by the owners of the Internet.
In today’s era, capitalism and power have become two sides of the same coin. Now the need is not to make capitalism common man centric, but to eliminate inequality and create a society of equality. On the one hand the rate of economic growth is being said to be one and a half percent higher and on the other hand the employment is decreasing, this mystery has to be understood. According to the estimates of many global organizations, more than 12 crore jobs have been lost in the last two years and by 2025, there will be almost the same number of fewer jobs. That is, twenty five crore people will become newly unemployed. What a development that economy is booming and unemployment is booming!
The post Deep-Red Roots of Inequality appeared first on Jansatta.