WhatsApp has to be used in your language, so know here complete information

The WhatsApp app has rolled out language integration for over 40 languages on iPhone and 60 on Android devices. It totally depends on the language you want to use on your device. If you change the language to Spanish, WhatsApp will automatically start working in Spanish. The same is also visible in your WhatsApp Web.

India is a country with diverse languages and the largest market for the Meta-owned instant messaging platform. There is a wide range of languages with most spoken languages in the country, such as South Indian languages: Kannada, Telugu and Tamil, while in North India, languages include Gujarati, Punjabi and Eastern India such as Bengali and Oriya. If you also want to use WhatsApp in your language, then we have told the process here.
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To use WhatsApp in your language, follow the simple steps given below.
How to use WhatsApp in regional languages on Android:
If you use an Android smartphone, then we have explained everything in simple steps below, by following which you can set your language:
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Step 1: First of all open your phone’s Settings.
Step 2: Go to System and type Language and input.
Step 3: Then, in Language & Input, select ‘Languages’.
Step 4: Now tap and hold ‘Language’ at the top to transfer it.
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Step 5: Now tap on Language + to add a language.
How to use WhatsApp in regional languages on iPhone:
If you use an iOS smartphone, then we have explained everything in simple steps below, which you can follow to set your language:
Step 1: Go to the Settings option on your iPhone.
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Step 2: Click on General and select Language & Region.
Step 3: Now select iPhone Languages.
Step 4: After that select any one language and tap on Change to language.
How to use WhatsApp in regional languages on KaiOS:
If you use KaiOS smartphone, then we have explained everything in simple steps below, which you can follow to set your language:
Step 1: First of all, open the Settings option on the app’s menu.
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Step 2: Now select Personalization.
Step 3: After that scroll down and select Language.
Step 4: Now press on Language and select the language you want to use and click on OK or Select.
Thus now you can use WhatsApp in your language on any of your Android, iOS or KaIOS. You will be able to use in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu or any other Indian language.
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Use WhatsApp in Regional Language, Follow These Steps
Story first published: Monday, January 3, 2022, 16:17 [IST]