Corona Medicine: Special medicines of Corona are coming, 40 doses will have to be taken in 5 days. 1 News Track English

Corona Medicine: Medicines specially made for the treatment of corona will start being available in shops very soon. It is believed that these drugs will also work on the Omicron variant. All the medicines that have been used in the treatment of corona so far are basically for some other disease.
Now such pills are coming which the infected person will have to start consuming within five days after the symptoms of corona appear. This means that corona testing, diagnosis and drug form – all this work will have to be done very fast. As soon as the infection is confirmed, 30 to 40 tablets will have to be taken for five days.
Dr Lindsay Baden, US infectious disease expert and a panelist of scientists in the FDA, says that new drugs will prevent the disease caused by corona infection from progressing. The first of these drugs is molanupiravir, developed by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics. For people who have not been vaccinated, if people take this medicine within 5 days of symptoms of corona, then their risk of hospitalization and death is reduced by 30 percent. The complete course of this medicine is 40 tablets.
Symbolic picture of Corona medicine (Photo: Social Media)
Another antiviral drug developed by Pfizer is named Paxlovid. The trial found that it was 89 percent effective when consumed within five days of symptoms. Pfizer has signed a $5.3 billion contract with the US federal government to supply 10 million courses of the drug. Each course will consist of 30 pills, including an experimental compound and a HIV drug as a booster. Scientists say that these drugs will also prove effective against Omicron.
Currently, the drugs of corona being used in the US in authorized use are only monoclonal antibodies. These are lab-made ingredients that act like natural antibodies. The major manufacturers of such drugs are Regeneron Pharmaceutical and Eli Lilly. But these medicines are effective only if they are taken immediately after the symptoms of corona appear. The problem with these is that they can only be given intravenously under the supervision of trained medical personnel. Now Regeneron says that this drug is less effective against Omicron.