This multibagger stock gave 12x returns to investors in just 4 months

Multibagger Stock Tips: Small-cap indices have reached their all-time high in the past few weeks. Some stocks have given investors returns of more than 100% in a very short period of time. EKI Energy Services Share is one such BSE SME Exchange listed stock which got listed on 7th April 2021 and has given returns of more than 1082 per cent to the shareholders in almost 4 months. This stock is one of the stocks giving huge returns in the shortest time.
Record of EKI Energy Services
If we look at the record of the shares of EKI Energy Services, it was listed on SME Stock on 7 April 2021 and its listing date was Rs 147 per stock price. This stock has made a new record in just 4 months. About 2 weeks ago, the company’s stock price was around Rs 1738. An increase of about 1082.59 percent has been registered during this period. The share price of EKI Energy Services has increased from Rs 722.65 per stock level to Rs 1738.40 in the last one month period. There has been an increase of about 140 percent in this period.
Understand returns in easy language
Understand the investment made in EKI Energy Services shares in simple language. If an investor had invested Rs 1 lakh on the listing date of this stock and the amount became Rs 11.82 lakh in the last 4 months period. Apart from this, if an investor had invested in it a month earlier, then his Rs 1 lakh would have become Rs 2.40 lakh. This stock has become a stock giving multibagger returns in a very short time.
should invest wisely
Many times people like to invest money in a new company, because at that time the price of its shares is more than others. It is often seen that people get manifold returns like this. Market experts always say that investors should wait for a long time to invest according to their ability, so that they can get maximum returns.
Disclaimer: (The information provided here is for informational purposes only. It is important to mention here that investing in the market is subject to market risks. Always consult an expert before investing money as an investor. Anyone from Also investing money is never advised here.)
Also read: Multibagger Stock Tips: This multibagger stock gave three times return to investors in just 6 months