Vitamin B6 Ki kami Ko Kaise Dur Kare: Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause this disease, know the symptoms and remedies. 1 News Track English

Vitamin B6 Ki kami Ko Kaise Dur Kare: Keeping the body healthy for performing daily tasks is as important as air for breathing. When the body does not get enough vitamins and minerals, then many types of diseases take their place in the body. Today we will tell you about one such vitamin whose deficiency affects the body as well as your skin. We are talking about Vitamin B6. Like all vitamins, vitamin B6 also plays an important role in keeping the body fit. Vitamin B6 not only keeps you healthy but also makes your skin beautiful and glowing.
Vitamin B6 Rich Foods pic(social media)
What is Vitamin B6(Kya Hai Vitamin B6)
Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 helps you in keeping you fit. Let us tell you that the body does not produce vitamin B6. To overcome its deficiency in the body, you need to pay special attention to your diet. If you do not feel any difference in your body even after improving your diet, then you must consult a doctor.
Functions of Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is also an essential vitamin like other vitamins, which is helpful in keeping the body healthy. These are the functions of Vitamin B6-
Vitamin B6 synthesizes a protein called collagen. Collagen is the most commonly found protein in the body. Collagen is important for bones, skin and muscles. The first difference is seen on the skin due to the lack of collagen.
– Vitamin B6 also helps in increasing hemoglobin.
Vitamin B6 helps in transporting your blood to the heart.
Vitamin B6 deficiency will make you feel tired pic(social media)
Symptoms of Vitamin B6 Deficiency (Vitamin B6 Kami Ke Lakshan)
When there is a deficiency of any vitamin in the body, then the body itself gives a signal. You just have to recognize and treat that deficiency. So let’s know what are the symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency in the body.
dry skin
– get tired quickly
– hair loss
– feeling lethargic
-weaking of the immune system
-Cracked and dark lips
-numbness of the extremities
Include these foods in your daily diet if you are deficient in Vitamin B6 pic(social media)
Sources of Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is found in abundance in foods. You can overcome its deficiency by consuming these foods-
Chole (chickpeas)- Chickpeas or chickpeas contain a good amount of vitamin B6. It is a good source of vitamin B6 for vegetarians.
Beef liver 100 grams of beef liver contains about 9 milligrams of vitamin B6.
Roasted Chicken Breast- There is about 6 milligrams of vitamin B6 in 100 grams of roasted chicken breast.
–Also, you can consume banana, tofu, avocado, brown rice, milk, soybean, spinach, whole grains etc in your daily diet.