party congress of china

These things point towards the end of a polar world and the present phenomenon of the world splitting into two camps. So the way the world shows interest in the US election, Something like CPC’s 20On the occasion of the th Congress, So it’s not unusual.
The Party Congress (convention) of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held every five years has started. This time the interest and breadth of coverage in the international media regarding this event has hardly happened before. The reason for this is probably China’s increased status in the world. The second reason is the increased conflict between China and America (or Western countries). By the way, the real reason behind this confrontation is the increased power of China, which Western countries are considering as a big challenge for their supremacy over the world. Last week, the Joe Biden administration of America released a document ‘National Security Strategy’, in which it also bluntly acknowledged that China has emerged as the biggest challenge to the “American way of life”. It pointed out that China intends to subvert American hegemony and is rapidly gaining the economic, military and technological power needed to do so.
These things point towards the end of a polar world and the present phenomenon of the world splitting into two camps. In such a situation, the way the world shows interest in the US election, something similar has been seen on the occasion of the 20th Congress of the CPC, so it is not unusual. President Xi Jinping’s speech at the opening of the Party Congress on Sunday was immediately widely analyzed in the media and on social media. It drew attention to the fact that China has made a special strategy to counter the technology sanctions imposed by the US. To what extent this strategy will be successful is difficult to say. But the general presumption is that sooner or later China will find a way out of the sanctions. If he did, it would be America’s nightmare come true. The indication of policy stability and direction given by Xi Jinping while addressing the Party Congress will undoubtedly raise the concerns of the West.