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Surprising: The woman gave birth to twins but the father of both the children was different, the truth revealed in the DNA test

Surprising: The woman gave birth to twins but the father of both the children was different, the truth revealed in the DNA test

This unique phenomenon in which twins are born to different fathers is called heteroparental superfecundation.

Thousands and millions of babies are born in this world every day. Some of them also have twins. The birth of twins is not a unique event, but the incident of a 19-year-old girl living in Goiás, Portugal giving birth to twins is certainly unique. You will also be surprised to know the reason for this incident being unique. Actually 8 months after the birth of the children, the father of the children got the DNA test done for some reason. What was revealed in the test was certainly not what was expected of the couple at all. DNA test revealed that he is the father of only one child. After this, the girl told that she was in a relationship with two people at that time and had physical from both of them on the same day. This unique phenomenon in which twins are born to different fathers is called heteroparental superfecundation. This is the 20th such case in the world.

What is Heteroparental Superfecundation?

According to the information received from the research done in this regard, heteroparental superfecundation is a rare condition in which the DNA of the father of twins born at the same time from the same mother’s womb is different. Such a situation arises when a woman, having sex with two different men, becomes pregnant with both at the same time. In this case, the woman has admitted that she had relations with two different men.

Information revealed in inquiry

According to media reports, the identity of the girl and her husband has not been made public in this case that came to light in Portugal. It is being told that after the birth of the children, the panel of doctors called the mother and questioned her. Then she told that 8 months ago she was in a relationship with another guy. After which another youth was also questioned. At the same time, the matter came to light after doing a DNA test.

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