Stray dogs become trouble in Bhopal

Bhopal. Stray dogs roaming the streets in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, are becoming a problem and these dogs are the biggest danger for the children. The ever-increasing dog attacks on children are worrying. Recently, a case of dog attack on a four-year-old girl has come to light. This sentence is from the Danish area of ​​Kolar region. Here a herd of dogs bitten the four-year-old girl and even took out the meat from her hand. Earlier in August, a girl was attacked by dogs and damaged her eye in Kolar area itself. Earlier in June also a case was reported which belonged to Nishatpura police station area.
A child from here came out of the house at night to ride a bicycle, but did not come back. When he was searched, he was found covered in blood. It was feared that he too was attacked by dogs and later he lost his life. Cases of attacks on children by dogs keep coming to the fore in the capital. Statistics show that about eight years ago there were 35 thousand stray dogs in the capital, whose number is increasing to close to 1.5 lakh. Not only this, an amount of more than 11 crores has been spent on sterilization of stray dogs in the same period.
Municipal officials say that five dogs have been caught from the area of ​​​​Kolar, from where the stray dog ​​bitten the girl was reported. Not only this, action is taken where the residents complain, the same work is going on to catch the stray dogs. At the same time, many times dog lovers also create obstacles in this campaign of Municipal Corporation. A similar thing has come to the fore in the Danish area of ​​Kolar, where the girl was attacked by a dog and when the municipal staff went to catch the dog in that area, the animal lover woman came forward and created a hindrance.