
Start this business by leaving the job, will earn from 15 to 18 lakhs, the government will also give money


Ginger Farming: If you also have a passion for farming, then now you can earn 15 lakh rupees sitting at home. Today we will tell you about such a business idea, which is in demand for 12 months, but it is specially used in winters. Along with eating at home, it is also used as medicine. Yes, we have talked about ginger farming, through which you can earn this money. Let us tell you how you can do this farming-

How to do Ginger Farming
If you want to do farming in less space, then this can be a good option, in which you can also make big profits. Let us tell you that the tubers of the old crop are used to grow ginger.

In which season does farming start?
If you start ginger cultivation in the rainy season then you can get good profit. For this, you have to first plow the field 2 or 3 times, so that the soil becomes friable. After this, plenty of cow dung manure is applied in the field, so that good production can be done.

do farming by making beds
You should do the cultivation of ginger by making a bed. It produces even better. Apart from this, water also drains easily due to the formation of drains in the middle. Keep in mind that do not cultivate ginger in the field where water stagnates.

How to irrigate?
Cultivate ginger in soil with 6-7 pH and irrigate through dripping system. This will also save water and fertilizer can also be given easily through drip system. About 2.5-3 tonnes of seeds are planted in one hectare of field.

50 tons of ginger
Ginger cultivation in one hectare yields up to 50 tonnes of ginger. The price of ginger in the market is up to Rs 80 a kg, but even if we assume the average of Rs 50, then from one hectare you will earn Rs 25 lakh.

how much does it cost
Apart from this, if we talk about the expenditure, about 7 to 8 lakh rupees are spent in the cultivation of ginger in one hectare, so out of 25 lakhs, you can consider your profit of about 15 to 18 lakhs. Apart from this, you can also take a loan for this under the government’s Mudra scheme.

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