Sonam Kapoor: Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor recently became a mother, she gave birth to a son on 20 August. On the completion of one month of his son, he shared his first picture on social media. Actually, Sonam has shared her family photo on her Instagram for the first time after pregnancy. On the first month of her son, Sonam not only shared the photo on Instagram but also named his name. Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja have named their son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja. In this shared picture, Sonam, Anand and their son are seen in yellow dress. However, the son’s face is not visible.
Sonam shared family photo
Sharing the photo, Sonam Kapoor wrote in the caption, ‘Vayu is one of the five elements in Hindu scriptures. He is the god of breath, the spiritual father of Hanuman, Bhima and Madhava and the mighty lord of the wind. We seek blessings for our son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja. Vayu is one of the five elements in Hindu scriptures. He is the god of breath, the spiritual father of Hanuman, Bhima and Madhava and the incredibly powerful lord of the wind. Thank you Vayu for showering your blessings.” Overall Sonam and Anand’s son has a beautiful name.
Fans demand to show face
Fans are showering love on Sonam’s pictures. Many users commented and wrote that Sonam should show her son’s face quickly. At the same time, many users liked his son’s name very much.
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