Sleeping Effects Brain: Too much sleep damages the brain. 1 News Track English

Sleeping Effects Brain: A good night’s sleep is considered very important for many reasons. A good night’s sleep helps the body repair itself. At the same time, not getting enough sleep increases the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes in addition to Alzheimer’s. But now in new research it has been found that like less sleep (sleeping effects on brain), excessive sleep is also dangerous for the brain.
According to a research by the University of Washington, the dangers and risks which are of less sleep are also the same dangers of too much sleep (neend se khatra). This research was done in the age group of 70 to 80 years. Taking into account several experiments and the participants’ health factors, the researchers concluded that those who slept less than four and a half hours and more than six and a half hours, mental abilities begin to be affected. This effect is similar to that seen with aging. According to researchers, the quality of sleep that is taken is also very important.
According to the findings of the research, participants who slept more had the same decline in mental abilities as those who slept very little. Some research done earlier has also found a relationship between excessive sleep and the effect on the brain, but why this happens has not been clear yet.
Seven to eight hours of sleep is very important.
So far it has been said that seven to eight hours of sleep is very important, but new research refutes this notion. Experts say that instead of measuring sleep in hours, it will be better if the quality of sleep is measured. If sleep (need na aana disease) is not deep, it is broken again and again, then it increases the risk of developing dementia. According to experts, there are many factors that affect the quality of sleep. In which disease, lifestyle and stress play a big role. Apart from this, genetic structure is also an important factor that affects sleep.
Remedies for good sleep (acchi nind ke upay)
For better quality sleep, experts suggest that exercise and a healthy diet should always be kept in mind. If both these things are not right, then the effect goes directly to the brain. However, researchers say that 4.5 to 6.5 hours of quality sleep is best, although getting enough sleep infrequently isn’t going to do any harm.