
Salary Double: This company doubled the salary in one stroke, not 10 or 20 but got 100% growth

Salary Double


  • Microsoft says it has doubled its global merit budget
  • The company’s Indian-origin CEO Satya Nadella has also confirmed this.
  • Many big tech companies around the world are increasing the salary of their employees drastically.

Inflation is increasing so fast that everyone’s only wish is that the salary should be doubled from next month. So take, Microsoft, one of the world’s largest tech companies, has fulfilled this expectation. The company’s Indian-origin CEO Satya Nadella has also confirmed this. It will benefit from career starters to mid level employees.

The company has also informed its employees by writing a mail. Microsoft has said that it has doubled its global merit budget. Let us tell you that companies around the world are currently facing a flood of employee resignations. It is believed that this step taken by Microsoft is part of the company’s campaign to stop employees.

World’s big tech companies are doing salary growth

Microsoft is not the first example of its kind. Significantly, before Microsoft, many big tech companies around the world are increasing the salary of their employees drastically. In February, Amazon doubled the maximum base pay for its corporate and technology employees to $350,000, from $160,000 earlier.

Nadella said in his email

From time to time, we see that our talent is in high demand as you do the best you can to empower our customers and partners.

Satya Nadella has said that “we are almost doubling the global merit budget. Merit budgets will vary by country based on local market data, and the most meaningful growth will focus on where market demand is.” We are increasing the annual stock range by at least 25 percent for all levels of 67 and below.”

how much salary

A fresher who has studied engineering graduate in Microsoft is given a package of $1.63 lakh. Microsoft has 1.81 employees worldwide. Who will get the benefit of this scheme.

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