Crude Price Increases: Once again the prices of petrol and diesel can be seen increasing. You may have to pay a higher price to get petrol diesel in your vehicle. In fact, there is a jump in the prices of crude oil in the international market.
Crude oil price crosses $75 barrel
This has increased for the third consecutive day in the prices of crude oil. The price of Brent crude has risen 1.8 percent to $ 75.69 per barrel. Crude oil prices have risen due to the weakening of the dollar and expectations of better global economic growth. However, there has been a rise in crude oil prices when governments are imposing restrictions to prevent the spread of the new variant Omicron of Corona in many countries including Europe to Australia.
In fact, due to the weakness in the dollar, it is becoming cheaper for the countries to buy crude oil. In such a situation, due to the increase in demand due to cheap dollar, this increase in crude oil prices has increased.
What is the rate of petrol diesel at present
At the same time, there has been no change in the rates of petrol and diesel in India for 49 days. In the capital Delhi, petrol is available at a price of Rs 95.41 per liter while diesel is available at Rs 86.67 per liter. Petrol in Mumbai is available at Rs 109.98 and diesel Rs 94.14 per liter, in Kolkata petrol Rs 104.67 and diesel Rs 89.79 per liter, while in Chennai petrol is available for Rs 104.67 and diesel Rs 89.79 per liter.