Pair ke Talwe me Jalan: If there is a burning sensation in the soles of your feet, then know its causes and home remedies. 1 News Track English

Pair ke Talwe me Jalan : There are many problems in our everyday life. There is also a burning sensation in the sole of one of the feet (Pair ke Talwe me Jalan). Although this is common, but sometimes this irritation can become big too. Therefore, if there is a burning sensation in the soles of your feet, then do not ignore it at all.
If you have frequent burning in your feet. If you are troubled by this irritation, then this article can prove to be very beneficial for you. Today, through this article, let us know why there is a burning sensation in the soles of the feet. (Pair ke Talwe me jalan kyo hoti) What are the causes of burning sensation in the soles of the feet. (pair ke talwe me jalan ke karan) symptoms of burning in the soles of feet (pair ke talwe me jalan ke lakshan), treatment of burning sensation in the feet Remedy (pair ke talwe me jalan ke gharelu upay).
Burning Soles of Feet (Concept Photo – Social Media)
Why does the soles of the feet get burning? (Pair ke talwe me jalan kyo hoti hai)
Sometimes a sudden burning starts in the soles of the feet of many people. In the beginning this burning sensation is mild but then it increases a lot. Due to which there is a lot of difficulty in walking, sitting and doing many types of work. Most of these irritations occur in women. Sometimes wearing too high heels also causes this problem in the soles. Sometimes burning in the soles of the feet in this way can also be a sign of some disease. Which we should not ignore.
Home remedies for burning sensation in the soles of feet (pair ke talwe me jalan ke gharelu upay)
Often people have a burning sensation in the soles of their feet. Most people show up to doctors in this type of problem. Many people treat such problems at their own home. Let us know the home remedies for burning sensation in the soles of the feet.
rock salt
Wash feet in rock salt water (Concept Photo – Social Media)
Rock salt, which is easily available in everyone’s homes, is the easiest way to remove the problem of burning on the soles of the feet. Put 2 teaspoons of this rock salt in hot water and keep your feet in lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes. This will give a lot of relief to this burning sensation.
mustard oil
Mustard oil also proves to be very helpful to remove the problem of burning in the soles of the feet. Whenever there is a burning sensation in the soles of the feet, applying one to two spoons of mustard oil mixed with a little ice or cold water provides great relief in this burning sensation.
vinegarVinegar also proves to be very effective in removing the burning sensation in the soles of the feet. Whenever there is a problem like burning in the soles of the feet, then drinking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a spoonful of vinegar provides great relief in this burning sensation.
do work out
Working out has always been beneficial for health. But when there is a problem like burning in the soles of the feet, then doing this workout becomes even more beneficial. By working out, blood gets better in the muscles. Food is also digested quickly.