
Old phone slow? Change this setting, the speed will increase

How to speed up my phone: After some time the speed of most Android phones slows down. In such a situation, many times we feel the need to buy a new phone. But through the tricks we are going to tell you, you will save thousands of rupees. That is, there is no need to buy a new phone, your old phone will work as fast as new. Actually, for this you just have to change some settings of your phone. Let’s know about these 5 methods:

1. First of all do this one thing
It is very important to keep our phone updated from time to time. Many companies keep releasing updates for their phones for 3 years or more. For this, go to the Settings of your phone and find the System Update option. By clicking on it, you will know whether there is an update for your phone or not. If available, update the phone immediately.

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2. Delete these apps
Whatever apps are present in our phone, it is not necessary that we are using all of them. In such a situation, do not keep such apps in your phone which are not necessary. That is, uninstall the unnecessary apps from the phone immediately. Apart from this, there are also some such apps which keep running in the background continuously, do not keep them in the phone too.

3. Clean data like this
Along with unnecessary apps, it is important that you also clean the phone’s data. Many phones also slow down due to full storage. Therefore, delete such large files, videos or pictures from the phone, which are not of your use. Apart from this, you can also do this work by downloading any Cleaner app from Play Store.

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4. Make this change in Settings
You can also improve the phone by changing some settings of the phone. Nowadays, the feature of dark mode has started coming in most of the phones. If it is also present in your phone, then use it. Along with giving a new look to the smartphone, it also saves its energy.

5. Here is the last recipe
If all the above mentioned methods have failed then the last recipe left is factory reset. That is, you will have to delete all the data of the phone, due to which it will come in like new condition. Make sure that you back up the data before doing the factory reset. Now tap on Backup and Reset under Settings to do a factory reset. Then tap on Factory Date Reset. After that follow the given instructions.


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