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Navratri is the time to awaken the life energy powers.

Navratri is the time to awaken the life energy powers.

The third day of Navratri is dedicated to Mother Chandraghanta. By worshiping them, the seeker automatically gets the siddhis awakened from the Manipura Chakra and gets freedom from worldly troubles. The Manipura or Manipura Chakra, related to the metabolism and digestive system, occurs at the navel. In this digestion, It plays an important role in converting food items into energy for the body.

There are seven chakras in the human body – Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara. These energies from the Muladhara to the Sahasrara chakra are awakened by concentrating on different parts of the body to gain complete benefits ranging from material happiness to spiritual philosophy. In this process the two nadis of the body – Ida and Pingala, when balanced, energy flows through the Sushumna nadi. Shakti flows through the nadi in the form of a vital energy, which is revealed by our right and left nostrils. According to astrological belief, there are seven chakras in the form of all the planets and beyond these chakras there are two planets- Rahu and Ketu. This Prana energy is the form of Brahma, which is obtained by eating sattvik food, it moves by getting up regularly in Brahma Muhurta, it is awakened by Pranayama. Concept focused. Carefully grow in circles upwards. Due to fear and negative thinking, it shrinks and decreases. Tamasic food, karma, talks fall into the lower chakras. Spiritual love for others and love for living beings expands. With proper management of this energy, extraordinary success can also be easily achieved. Navratri is considered the best time to awaken these powers. Every day during Navratri, a special chakra is awakened, which gives energy to the seeker.

According to mythological belief, Mother Bhagwati, by transmitting the life force in the seven chakras and two nadis of the body, creates balance in all aspects of our life by finally flowing through the sushumna. Generally, all the energy of a human being rests on the Muladhara chakra i.e. the sex organs. Sadhaks, Yogis bring their energies located in the Mooladhara to the Sahasrara Chakra through meditation during Navratri. With the control and attention of the breath, this energy can be pulled up. As the seeker lifts the energy up one by one, miraculous changes in their personality begin to be seen. On the first day of Navratri, this Shakti Prana energy is made to move upwards in the Muladhara Chakra. The first revered mother of Navratri, Shailputri, is also considered a symbol of unbroken good fortune. On this day, the seekers place their power in the Muladhara Chakra, and do yoga and sadhna. Muladhara i.e. the root chakra is related to human instinct, protection, existence and primal potential. This center is located between the genitals and the anus. Although there is no endocrine organ, and it is connected to the gonads and the adrenal medulla, it is responsible for dying or killing when survival is in danger. There is a muscle in this area, which controls ejaculation during sexual activity.

There is a parallel framework between the sperm and the ovum, where the genital code and the kundalini form the coil. The symbol of Muladhara is a lotus with red color and four petals. Its main theme lies in lust, longing and whims. Physically Mooladhara controls sex, mentally stability, emotionally sense pleasure and spiritually the sense of security. If the Muladhara chakra is not awakened, only the sex-oriented body is visible to a person. Man always thinks only of himself. He is lost in his own thoughts and fantasies. With the awakening of the Muladhara, one gets relief from them.

It is customary to worship Mother Brahmacharini on the second day of Navratri. Brahmashakti i.e. the power of austerity is situated in the Swadhishthana Chakra. Therefore, by doing all meditation in Swadhisthana, this power becomes strong and success and victory is achieved everywhere. The Swadhisthana chakra is located in the sacrum, that is, the triangular bone behind the waist, and when combined with the testicles or ovaries, produces a variety of sexual secretions associated with reproduction. The sacral chakra is symbolized by six petals and an orange lotus attached to it. The main themes of Swadhisthana are relationships, violence, addiction, basic emotional needs and pleasure. Physically Swadhisthana governs fertility, mentally it controls creativity, emotionally happiness and spiritually eagerness. If the Swadhisthana Chakra is not awakened, the creativity of a person is hampered. He works sloppily. Both new ideas and creativity cannot enter the mind.

The third day of Navratri is dedicated to Mother Chandraghanta. By worshiping them, the seeker automatically gets the siddhis awakened from the Manipura Chakra and gets freedom from worldly troubles. The Manipura or Manipura Chakra, related to the metabolism and digestive system, occurs at the navel. It plays an important role in digestion, converting foods into energy for the body. Its symbol is a lotus with ten petals. The color matching the Manipura Chakra is yellow. The main themes governed by the Manipura Chakra are personal force, fear, anxiety, and the transition from spontaneous or basic to complex emotion. Physically the Manipura chakra governs digestion, mentally the personal force, emotionally the pervasiveness and spiritually governs the development of all substances.

The Anahata chakra of the body is awakened by the worship and worship of Bhagwati Kushmanda, the main goddess of the fourth day of Navratri. The Anahata Chakra located in the chest is related to the hair gland. The hairy gland is an element of the immune system, and is an exclusive part of the endocrine system. This chakra also acts to protect against the adverse effects of stress. The symbol of Anahata is a lotus with twelve petals. Anahata is related to green or pink colour. The main themes associated with Anahata are complex emotions, compassion, warm-heartedness, devoted love, balance, rejection, and well-being. Physically the Anahata chakra governs operations, emotionally it governs devoted love for oneself and others, mentally passion and spiritually it governs surrender. When this chakra is disrupted, a person becomes fearful, fearful. He starts hesitant in speaking his point and at times cannot even support the truth.

On the fifth day of Navratri, by worshiping the fifth form of Goddess Skandmata, the mind of the seeker is situated in the pure chakra, due to which the meditation attitude is concentrated. This power gives the experience of ultimate peace and happiness. The Vishuddha Chakra is parallel to the thyroid gland located in the neck and produces thyroid hormones, which lead to growth and maturation. Its symbol is a lotus with sixteen petals. The hallmark of the pure is light or yellowish blue or turquoise colour. It governs subjects such as self-expression and communication. Physically it governs pure communication, emotionally freedom, mentally free thoughts and spiritually a sense of security. When this chakra is disrupted, a person becomes lethargic. Diseases surround and the effect of speech is almost eliminated.

Worshiping the Katyayani form of Durga on the sixth day of Navratri destroys demonic tendencies and enmity. On this day the mind of the seeker is situated in the Agya i.e. the frontal chakra. The Ajna Chakra, located between the two eyebrows, is symbolized by a two-petalled lotus and corresponds to a white, blue or dark blue color. The main theme of the command is to balance the higher and lower ego and to trust the inner guidance. The implied spirit of Ajna is to use intuition. Mentally commanding is associated with visual consciousness, and emotionally commanding purity is associated with a level of intuition. Due to obstruction in this chakra, a person suffers from old humiliation, guilt, etc. Headache, tension etc. persist. Forgiveness is lacking. A person who is successful in penetrating the Agya Chakra gets freedom from the fear of the unknown. And attains spiritual success in getting the glimpse of God for a longer period of time.

The seventh form of Mahashakti Mata Durga is going to destroy the Kalratri period, that is why she is called Kalratri. The powers of Bhanu Chakra are awakened by worshiping on the seventh day. Actually Bhanu is not a chakra but a pulse. It is also called Surya or Pingala Nadi. There is will power on the right side in the human body. It is also called pingala nadi. This Nadi gives the power to work for the fulfillment of desire. This nadi, affecting the entire right side of the body, is supposed to perform physical and intellectual functions. This chakra is a symbol of future time, extreme consciousness and passion. Its subtle qualities are self-respect, creativity, physical and mental movement and physical and intellectual work. If there is a hindrance in this, arrogance, hatha yoga, stubborn nature, thinking too much about the future, shamelessness etc.

The eighth day of Navratri is the tradition of Mata Mahagauri. This eighth day is the day to awaken the Soma Chakra of the body. Worshiping Mahagauri awakens the Soma Chakra and all the powers related to this Chakra get to the Sadhak. In fact, Soma is not a chakra but a pulse. It is also called Chandra and Ida Nadi. This Nadi is the will power located on the left side of the superphysical and spiritual realms in the human body. This pulse affecting the entire left side of the body is also called Ida Nadi. This Nadi alerts the past memories. Due to which the action becomes easy. As long as this energy is active, there is a desire to live life in man. The past, the dormant conscious, the ego are its qualities. The subtle qualities of this nadi are emotion, purity, existence, bliss, desire and demand. Laziness, superstition, superstition, feeling of guilt, obscene writing or reading etc.

Mata Siddhidatri is worshiped on the last day of Navratri. At the time of worship on the last day, by putting all your attention on the Sahasrara ie Nirvana Chakra, the devotee automatically gets the powers related to this chakra by the grace of the Goddess. Sahasrara is considered to be the circle of pure consciousness. Just as the luminous aura is visible above the top on the back of the head of any deity, in the same way it is situated upwards outside the body. Its symbol is a thousand petals of lotus. The Sahasrara Chakra represents the color purple and is associated with inner intelligence and physical death. The inner form of Sahasrara is associated with the release of karma, physical action with meditation, mental action with universal consciousness and unity, and emotional action with existence. This chakra is the best among all the chakras. Due to its dormant state, there are problems like not being able to understand the supreme power of God, less brain work, less memory etc.

In this way it is clear that the life energy in the form of Shakti, creating a balance in the Ida, Pingala Nadi, and flowing through the Sushumna, a person remains alive. As soon as there is an obstacle present on any chakra i.e. any chakra blockage occurs, the problems related to that chakra appear to emerge. But with its coordination all the troubles disappear. Therefore, devotees of Goddess make good use of Navratri period for the awakening and balance of these powers.

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