Satish Pandey, a dedicated officer from the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), recently recounted a heartening experience of an insightful exchange with the former Indian cricket captain, MS Dhoni, at the VIP lounge of Ranchi Airport on Sunday, August 27.
In a widely shared letter circulating on social media, Pandey expressed his encounter where he had the privilege of meeting Dhoni without queuing. He was deeply moved by Dhoni’s humility, evident through his gracious smile and a handshake that left a lasting impression. Pandey further detailed how he had the opportunity to seek advice from the cricketing legend on maintaining composure and effectively managing life’s challenges.
“In discussing challenges, he revealed his unwavering spirit: ‘The never-lose-hope feature is inbuilt in me as a sportsman.’ This statement encapsulated his resilience and determination,” Pandey wrote in the letter.
His first question was about how he manages to remain calm despite wins and losses.
“Dhoni’s reply was profound yet simple: ‘I just want to enjoy that moment because I know this moment will not come again in life. I want to live it.'”
Pandey described how the captain of the Chennai Super Kings offered additional guidance, suggesting that he should release concerns that were beyond his influence. Dhoni also shared a significant piece of wisdom regarding navigating the challenges of a rapidly moving world.
“He highlighted that, contrary to the traditional notion of needing to pay attention to every single thing, maintaining a state of tranquility and equilibrium now entails consciously overlooking certain matters. This is because if we were to react to every situation, our cognitive capacities would become overwhelmed due to the multitude of ongoing struggles that characterize human life.”
Pandey said he also learned about the importance of personal growth to maintain inner peace. He concluded by calling him a man with a ‘golden heart’.
MS Dhoni has been associated with CISF previously
The individual, aged 42, holding an honorary position as Lieutenant Colonel within the Indian Army, was present at the CISF’s 75th Independence Day event in Ranchi during the preceding year. During this occasion, interactions took place with families of certain officers. Additionally, engagement occurred at an interactive event organized by CISF Unit ASG Chennai in the month of April 2023.