Lemon | The effect of inflation is now on lemon too, wave of social media Memes and Jokes

new Delhi: Everywhere in the country, people are upset due to inflation, from the price of petrol till now lemon has become expensive. In fact, the reason behind this is that the prices of vegetables in Delhi and adjoining areas have increased due to increase in transportation cost due to increase in fuel prices. In Gujarat, Telangana, Rajasthan and many other parts of the country also the prices of lemons have gone up tremendously.
In Delhi’s biggest wholesale market, Azadpur Mandi, lemon is being sold for Rs 70 to 90 per kg. Even more expensive lemon is being sold in Gujarat, where the price of lemon has gone up to Rs 240 per kg and in Karnataka to Rs 160 per kg. On the other hand, the price of lemon in Jaipur is going to blow the senses, it is selling around Rs 400 a kg.
Lemon memes
With the arrival of summer, the use of lemon increases even more. Considered to be the common man’s soft drink in summer, ‘Lemon Pani’ has become a typical drink in this scorching heat. There is a famous saying- ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. But due to the recent price hike, netizens have changed the saying – ‘When life gives you lemons, sell them’. There has been a wave of many mimes and jokes on social media regarding lemon.
If you thought it was a lemon, then squeeze it and keep it,
I will keep my teeth sour#NimbuPrice pic.twitter.com/E2mkPr7PiQ— Mohd Shokeen (@MohdSokeen) April 3, 2022
Lemon started trending on Twitter
Lemon price hike has been trending on Twitter since yesterday and the prices may still go higher. This is the reason why netizens are now making memes and jokes on Twitter. See how many mimes are being made about lemon due to this increase in the price of lemon.
Lemon to petrol, gold and LPG:- pic.twitter.com/ESHu3kYQmB
— Pintukumar (@KumarPintu1217) April 7, 2022
Gujarat | Prices of lemon soar as high as Rs 200/kg in Rajkot. Visuals from a market in the city.
Customers say, “The price of lemon is touching Rs 200/kg. It was around Rs 50-60/kg earlier. This is affecting our ‘kitchen budget’. Don’t know when will the prices go down” (01.04) pic.twitter.com/6tO2zdkLjx
— ANI (@ANI) April 2, 2022
#nimbu #LemonPrice pic.twitter.com/zv2e1qo07n
— memes_hallabol (@memes_hallabol) April 8, 2022
Vegetable seller: Lemon for ten rupees. Me: Wait, I bring a plate of food from home, squeeze 2 rupees in it.
#Lemon #LemonPrice
Baba re baba sab kha rate bad rah hai keyaa kre ga re middle class wala.
#government #crisses— avrath😻ramina (@avrath3) April 7, 2022