Knee Pain ExerciseDoing yoga is very important for health. And why not do yoga which have many benefits. Diseases like BP Control, Sugar Control Tips In Hindi, Obesity are controlled by yoga, as well as flexibility in the body also comes.
Yoga and meditation are considered very important for peace of mind and better health. There are many yoga postures, which have innumerable benefits. With the help of yoga, you can remain young and healthy throughout your life. Yoga helps you stay healthy in many ways. Know what are the benefits of yoga and which are the benefits of easy-
Half Butterfly Pedestal-Golf Rotating pic(social media)
Knee Pain)
Nowadays, whether the elderly or the young are all suffering from some disease. By the way, knee pain is usually seen mostly in the elderly. Along with medicine, doctors tell to do exercise and yoga. If you cannot sit on the ground, then you can do yoga on your bed. It is not necessary that you do yoga for a long time. You can start slowly and slowly. When your knee pen starts decreasing a bit, gradually you increase the time a little. But do yoga at least 5 days a week.
4 Yoga Asanas For Knee Pain (4 Yoga Asanas For KneePain)
1- Knee Rotation-Uttanasana
2- Knee Stretching Sulabh Uttanasana
3- Half Butterfly Pedestal-Golf Rotating
4- Ardha Kapot Asana-Knee Stretching
Relief For Back Pain
Be it office workers or the women of the house and the elderly, almost people are struggling with back pain. Whether there is back pain (kamar Dard ka Ilaj) or, pain in the lower back or pain in the upper back. People are very troubled by this pain. Many people believe that back pain or back pain occurs only in old age, but it is absolutely wrong to think that it is a painful disease occurring at any age. Today’s changing lifestyle is the main reason for this. Back pain is more common in women during menstruation and pregnancy. Most people use English medicine for back pain, but if you want, you can also treat back pain with yoga. Adopt all these yoga poses and get relief from back pain and back pain.
Pawanmukt Asan pic(social media)
4 yoga asanas for back pain
1- Marjarasana
2- Purva Bhujangasan
3- Salbhasan
4- Pawanmukt Asan
Neck Pain Relief Yoga
Severe pain, stiffness in the neck can also be a sign of cervical spondylosis, yogasana can be taken to overcome it. Your pillow can also be the cause of neck pain. Or even not sleeping at night in the right position. For a long time, people sit in one wake and work on the computer, they also often complain of pain in the neck. By doing some easy yoga asanas regularly, you can get rid of this problem.
Chakrasana pic(social media)
neck pain Do This Yoga Asana For Neck Pain)
1- Hand In Hand Out Breathing
2- Chakrasana
3- Shoulder Rotation
4- Elephant Year
5- Swimming Stroke
Do this asana in Arthritis
Earlier, Arthritis ke liye yoga was seen only in older people. But now this disease is being seen in young children. Although it is said that arthritis is also not cured quickly, but by making some changes in your lifestyle, you can get rid of it to a great extent. To get rid of this, you have to do yoga daily. And also you have to control your weight. Because obesity also causes this disease. Follow these yoga poses to get rid of Arthritis
Chakkichalan Kriya pic(social media)
4 Yoga Asanas for Arthritis (4 Yoga Asanas For Arthritis)
1- Gatiyamat Meru Vakrasana
2- Chakkichalan Kriya
3- Pawanmktasana Kriya
4- Veerasan Shudder Stretch