JIPMER Recruitment 2023: Notification, Form @jipmer.edu.in
JIPMER Recruitment 2023 Exam Date | JIPMER Group B and C Recruitment 2023 Online Form | Jawaharlal Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) Vacancy 2023

At present, there are thousands of such government educational institutions in our country, which not only provide education to the students, but also because people are needed to run the training institutes, then thousands of people get jobs in various positions. Seeing them, they also do the work of giving them employment. Because a great pay scale is available in this field, people keep waiting for the recruitment related to it.
If you are also waiting for similar recruitment, then let us tell you that recently Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research has conducted various posts on various posts. JIPMER Recruitment 2023 It has been removed, whose complete information we are going to give you in this article.
JIPMER Vacancy 2023 Overview
Name of the Post | JIPMER Recruitment 2023 |
Launched By | Engineer Jobs |
Advertisement No | NA |
Apply Online Date | Update soon |
Last Date | Update soon |
Official Website | https://jipmer.edu.in/ |
Complete details of JIPMER Recruitment 2023
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research is one of those educational institutes in the country, which keeps on recruiting for the increase of 4 staff to fill the vacant posts when the time comes and recently the vacancies came in various posts from the educational institute. JIPMER Recruitment 2023 has been taken out for increase in staff for filling, under which about 143 applicants Will get a chance to get a job.
Nursing Officer Group B, Medical Laboratory Technologist Group B, Junior Engineer (Civil) Group B, Junior Engineer (Electrical) Group B, Technical Assistant in NTTC Group B, Dental Mechanic Group C. There are posts like, Anaesthesia Technician Group C, Stenographer Grade II Group C and Junior Administrative Assistant Group C.
JIPMER Recruitment Exam Date 2023
All the government job recruitments that are going out at the present time have fixed dates and interested in the recruitment should be aware of those dates so that they can apply for the recruitment on time. so if you JIPMER Recruitment 2023 If you are interested, then the required dates fixed for it are as follows:
- Application start date: Update soon
- Last Date to Apply: Update soon
- Last date to pay exam fee: Update soon
- Exam Date: Update soon
- When will the admit card be issued: Update soon
Age Limit for JIPMER Vacancy 2023
As everyone knows that at present, an age limit is fixed in all government recruitment, and according to that age limit, the applicant is included in the recruitment only if he is eligible, then if you JIPMER Recruitment 2023 If you are interested in this then you must know about the age limit prescribed for it which is something as follows:
- minimum age: 18 years
- Maximum Age: 27 to 35 years
Education Qualification for JIPMER Bharti 2023
As we all know that education qualification is fixed in all the government recruitment going out in the present time and according to that education qualification having bathroom is necessary to join the recruitment then if you are interested in JIPMER Recruitment 2023 If yes, then you should know about the education qualification related to it, which are as follows:
- Nursing Officer Group B : The applicant must have a degree or diploma in Nursing.
- Medical Laboratory Technologist Group B : Applicant must have obtained Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory.
- Junior Engineer (Civil) Group B : Applicant should have Diploma in Civil Engineering with 3 years experience OR Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering with 2 years experience.
- Junior Engineer (Electrical) Group B : Applicant should have Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 3 years experience OR Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering with 2 years experience.
- Technical Assistant in NTTC Group B : The applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical or Electronics or having 2 years of work experience after doing Diploma in Electrical Electronics.
- Dental Mechanic Group C : The applicant must have passed 12th class with Science stream and having completed 2 years dental mechanic alka course with 2 years work experience.
- Anaesthesia Technician Group C : The applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree in Anesthesia or a Diploma in Anesthesia with one year of work experience.
- Stenographer Grade II Group C : The applicant must have passed class 12th and has the ability to type 80 words in 1 minute.
- Junior Administrative Assistant Group C : The applicant must have passed class 12th and has the ability to type 35 words in 1 minute.
Application Fees for JIPMER Careers
As we all know that application fee has to be paid for applying in all government recruitments being taken out at present, so if you are interested in JIPMER Recruitment 2023 then the application fee prescribed for it is as follows:
- For General OBC and EWS: 1500 rupees
- For SC/ST: 1200 rupees
JIPMER Post wise Vacancies 2023
Post Name |
Total Post |
Nursing Officer Group B |
106 |
Medical Laboratory Technologist Group B |
12 |
Junior Engineer (Civil) Group B |
01 |
Junior Engineer (Electrical) Group B |
01 |
Technical Assistant in NTTC Group B |
01 |
Dental Mechanic Group C |
01 |
Anaesthesia Technician Group C |
01 |
Stenographer Grade II Group C |
07 |
Junior Administrative Assistant Group C |
13 |
How to Apply Online to fill JIPMER Recruitment 2023 Application Form
As we all come to know that all the government recruitments to be taken out in the present time can be easily applied online while sitting, then it felt like JIPMER Recruitment 2023 If you are interested in this then you can easily apply for this recruitment by following the below steps:
- First Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research official website Go on
- After this there is a link of ‘JIPMER Recruitment 2023’ given in the career section. Notification Link Click on.
- After this, the notification page that will open in front of you will have an application link at the bottom, click on it.
- then in front of you online form It will open, in which fill all the asked information accurately and upload the scanned copy of all the documents.
- Finally submit this form by filling the application fee.
- In this way you can easily apply for JIPMER Recruitment 2023.