
It is not safe to save login password in Google Chrome, know what is the danger

Malware Alert : Browser Google Chrome is the most used for web browsing and other Internet related work. Along with searching anything, we also do login from Gmail to other accounts here. During this, users save their login id and password in Chrome to avoid the complexity of typing time and again. If you also do this then now you need to be careful. Actually a report has come recently, according to which saving the login password on Google Chrome can be dangerous. Here the risk of password hacking is high. Alert has also been issued in this regard.

who is at risk

The danger of hacking saved passwords in Google Chrome has been found out from a report by security expert company AhnLab. It states that a malware named Redline Stealer has been active for the past few days and it steals the login ID and password saved in Google Chrome. After this, hackers can also blackmail you by taking your personal and confidential details.

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In this way the danger was detected

AhnLab has done in its report. It has been told in this report that one of the employees of the company was doing work from home. He was using a device that was being used by some other employees of the same company. All of them were unaware that a malware named Redline Stealer was hidden in that device. This malware was stealing important information and passwords by accessing the company’s VPN.

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This malware is very dangerous

In this report, many appeals have also been made to users not to save their login password in Google Chrome. The company has told that this malware is so dangerous that even AntiVirus cannot stop it. Of course, you may have already installed an antivirus app on your device, but this malware can still enter your device. Therefore it is better that you do not save the password.

keep these things in mind

  • First of all, leave the habit of saving passwords.
  • Even if you have kept this habit, then keep changing the password from time to time.
  • From website to app, keep in mind that they are official and reliable.
  • Do not click on any unknown link that comes on mail, message or WhatsApp.
  • Do not store confidential and important information, personal data and other important files in the phone or device without protection.


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