
Indian scientist Dr. Ravikant Pathak changed the fate of Bundelkhand


Dr Ravikant Pathak is an atmospheric scientist and associate professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. At the same time, he is also a social reformer, an advocate of rocky thinking, who is constantly active towards the goal.

If the root, the forest and the land remain, then the world will remain, otherwise there will be no living being. Environmentalists and botanists are constantly expressing their concern for its protection, yet little attention is being paid to it. Farming with chemical fertilizers is becoming increasingly costly and crop unhealthy. Concerned about this condition, Indian scientist Dr. Ravikant Pathak in Sweden has been engaged in changing it for the last several years.

Their efforts have shown tremendous effect and the result is that Greenery even in dry areas like Bundelkhand It’s starting to appear. Where there was no water, bunches of fruits are hanging on the trees in the orchards. Seeing their success, this experiment is being started in other nearby villages as well.

Although his effort was very successful, but the height to which he thinks about the village and the downfall is astonishing to many.
Dr Ravikant Pathak is an atmospheric scientist and associate professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. At the same time, he is also a social reformer, an advocate of rocky thinking, who is constantly active towards the goal.

Jaldoot of Jakhni village, Sarvodaya worker and President of Jalgram Swaraj Abhiyan Samiti and ‘Weir in the field, tree on the weir’ According to Umashankar Pandey, the leader of “Dr. Pathak is not only an environmentalist, but he is also a patriotic person of Gandhian ideology living a simple and simple life despite being highly educated.

told that Hamirpur district of Bundelkhand He was born in Chhedi Basayak village, which is a very backward and water-less area. Dr. Pathak, who spent his childhood in poverty and misery, never let this condition come in the way of his goal.

This is the reason why he not only reached IIT Mumbai with his talent, but also studied and taught in Hong Kong, America and Sweden. He did research in Hong Kong, became a scientist in America and taught in Sweden, but did not leave his village roots. Even while living abroad, he comes to the village every year and has remained an inspiration to millions of people by doing various social works.

Dr. Ravikant Pathak not only talks about agriculture and its fertility, but also talks about cow shelter, food, health and internal development of children and to build national character and leadership in them. They say that if agriculture continues, there will be forest, groundwater will be saved, cows will be protected, plants will be saved.
Will be saved, there will be greenery, pollution will end, if children have good health by taking a good diet without chemicals, then their character and
Moral development will take place and the feeling of patriotism will increase.

He has established an organization named Bharat Uday Gurukul. He says that “The main objective of this project is to establish an educational institution for children, which will make them learn in an interesting manner, stress free, sustainable and useful for their economic self-reliance as world citizens with high moral integrity and self-esteem. Will prepare to be

In his village, he is producing clean and hygienic crops by getting organic farming done in thirty acres of land, employing hundreds of people.
have also been given. Papaya, Musmmi, Banana, Mango, Amla, Guava, Pomegranate bunches remain the subject of research in his garden. He says that “we have to return to the villages, village life is the best life.”



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