India surpassed Brazil in Terms of Food Supply: Big news has come for the country on the export front. India has overtaken Brazil in exporting food to Arab countries and this has happened for the first time in the last 15 years. Arab Brazil Chamber of Commerce has given this information. The reason for this happening for the first time in 15 years is that due to the Kovid-19 epidemic, trade flow was interrupted in the year 2020.
Know why Brazil lags behind India
Arab countries are one of the most important trading partners for Brazil, but the distance between Arab countries and Brazil due to the Kovid epidemic has affected global logistics services. Due to this, Brazil lagged behind India in terms of exporting food.
India captured 8.25 percent of the share as against Brazil’s 8.15 percent
According to the data released by Brazil, the share of Brazil’s total agri business going to 22 league members was 8.15 percent. Whereas India has captured the market of 8.25 percent in this trade.
Know how the data was on the export front
India has well established its dominance in this market while Brazil’s influence in this matter has diminished. In the case of Arab League, if we look at Brazil’s agricultural exports, it grew at a rate of only 1.4 percent last year, which stood at $ 8.17 billion last year. At the same time, Brazil’s total trade between January and October of this year has been $ 6.78 billion, that is, it saw an increase of 5.5 percent. According to the data of the chamber, this has happened due to logistical problems.
Another reason behind Brazil’s lag in this area last year is that China increased its food inventory during the pandemic. Due to this, the trade of Brazil has also been affected. The chamber has said in its data that Saudi Arabia is still one of the big players in their agri-food exports, but it is also working on increasing the capacity of its domestic food production.
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