New SIM Rules: If you have more SIM cards then know the new rule of the government, now the limit has been fixed

SIM Rules: How many SIM cards do you usually keep with you? We are asking these questions because the Telecommunication Department of the country has issued a new rule regarding SIM cards, which may affect you. The Department of Telecommunications (DOT) has come out with a new rule, under which the limit has been fixed by eliminating the exemption of having more SIMs with the same person. Under the new limit, users having more than 9 SIM cards will be required to get all the SIMs verified or else they will be closed.
this is the big order of DoT
The telecom department has come out with a new rule under which those having more than 9 sims will have to get the sim verified and if they are not verified then the sim will be closed. will be given. While this limit is nine (9) for all parts of the country, except for Jammu and Kashmir and Assam-Tripura, this limit has been kept at six (6) for the rest of the northeastern states.
understand order in detail
Department of Telecommunications has also tweeted about this. It has been told only yesterday that if mobile connection customers get more SIM cards than allowed, they will be given this facility to continue the SIM they want to use and close the rest. However, even these active SIMs will not be able to exceed 9 if they are not verified. The department has also mentioned in its order that if more SIMs are found with anyone than the limit of 9 SIM cards fixed in their survey, then all of them will be re-verified
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Why this step had to be taken
The Department of Telecom has taken this step to prevent and investigate incidents of objectionable calls, automatic calls, fraud and financial crimes. In case of more than 9 mobile connections or SIM, the option to surrender the extra SIM will also be available. Those with more than 9 SIM cards will be informed by sending a notification and in case of non-verification, outgoing calls to these connections will be stopped within 30 days. Whereas incoming calls will be closed within 45 days.
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deleted SIM cards from the database and are lying idle.