
In this time of health crises


Despite thousands of cases of dengue being reported every year and hundreds of deaths in India, how much does the administration make adequate arrangements to prevent it.

Yogesh Kumar Goyal

Despite thousands of cases of dengue being reported every year and hundreds of deaths in India, how much does the administration make adequate arrangements to prevent it. It is revealed from this that about fifty percent of the total population suffering from dengue in the world are in India. Our health infrastructure is already overburdened due to corona infection and there is also concern about its third wave, in such a situation, the health infrastructure can completely collapse in dealing with diseases like dengue, chikungunya, viral fever etc. .

After Uttar Pradesh, many states of the country including Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana are currently suffering from dengue. So far, about three thousand cases have been reported in Madhya Pradesh. In Firozabad, Mathura and Agra districts of Uttar Pradesh, there have been more than a hundred deaths due to dengue. According to the Union Health Ministry, there is an outbreak of the new form of dengue ‘D-2’ in these areas, which is more deadly than other varieties of dengue. It is also being linked to ‘Dengue Shock Syndrome’. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, this deadly form of dengue has been confirmed in the blood samples of many patients. It spreads very rapidly and proves fatal. In this, the patient’s blood pressure drops suddenly with fever, due to which the patient can also die. Apart from this, it also affects platelets.

Medical experts say that the skin of such patients feels cold despite high fever. In shock syndrome, the patient becomes restless and gradually loses consciousness. Sometimes his pulse is fast, sometimes slow and blood pressure drops, due to which the patient goes into shock and blood circulation to his vital organs is reduced. In many cases, patients with shock syndrome are taken to the hospital when their condition has become very critical and then it becomes very difficult to save them.

Sometimes in dengue, due to the release of cytokine substances from the cells, the capillaries connecting the blood vessels start secreting and plasma starts coming out of the blood, which reduces the blood pressure. When plasma is secreted, it starts accumulating on the upper layer of the lungs, heart and stomach. Experts at AIIMS say that people usually treat dengue patients only on the basis of their platelet count, while monitoring of their platelet count is more important than monitoring of hematocrit and blood pressure. Hematocrit is the percentage of red blood cell count, which is forty-five in men and forty percent in women. If its level starts increasing more than normal in dengue patients, it means that the plasma present in the blood has started leaking from the capillaries of the patient and it can be fatal. Capillaries are those blood vessels, whose walls become more porous in dengue, due to which plasma leaks and accumulates around the body.

Every year in this season, such deadly terror of dengue has been seen, but despite this, no effective steps are taken by the administration in time to stop the spread of dengue. When suddenly the situation starts deteriorating in many places, then the administration wakes up from a deep sleep. Every year in many states of the country, similar havoc of dengue is seen, thousands of people suffering from dengue are admitted in hospitals, out of which hundreds also end up in death. Dengue, Chikungunya and Viral fever are not really a natural calamity but a result of administrative negligence. If the administration takes other necessary steps for prevention along with spraying medicines every year in advance, then lakhs of people can be saved from these diseases. It is the result of the gross negligence of the administration that there are many areas in different states, where no street, locality or family is left where, from children to old people, have not suffered from this disease.

Although National Dengue Day is also celebrated every year on 16th May, so that the danger of dengue can be minimized by taking timely precautionary steps, but due to the incompetence of the responsible people, the common man continues to face the deadly terror of dengue every year. destiny has become. Every year in almost all the places, claims are made by the local administration for the prevention of dengue, but when suddenly the deadly terror of dengue comes to the fore, all these claims are kept in abeyance and when the situation worsens, the hands of the administration- Feet swell. The reality is that in most places, satisfactory arrangements are not made in time to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, due to which even government and private hospitals are seen full of mosquitoes and cases of dengue as well as chikungunya, malaria and swine flu are seen every year. Years unfold. Be it dengue or any other infectious disease, as soon as their outbreak increases, the rates of testing are increased by private labs and in many places, with the connivance of the administration, the game of robbing patients under the guise of investigation of these diseases is often fearless. runs.

Dengue emerges as an epidemic every three to four years. About three years ago, more than one lakh cases of dengue were reported in India. Then, after studying the data of ten years of dengue in AIIMS, it was also revealed that the death rate due to dengue in AIIMS is seven to ten percent. Dengue is becoming so dangerous day by day that in some cases it engulfs the patient so badly that most of the body parts stop functioning and he dies. Researchers say that earlier, where the effect of dengue started on other parts of the body after fifteen-twenty days, in many cases now it reaches the kidneys, liver and intestines within a week and the body’s organs function. turn off.

At present, the situation in many places is such that hospitals are full of dengue patients, there are two-three patients in each bed and there is no space to admit new patients. Every year after monsoon, several thousand cases of dengue are reported across the country and after the knock of dengue, some instructions are given to the general public by the doctors and the administration, but the proof of how careless the doctors and the administration themselves have been in this matter. Even after the outbreak, it has been clearly seen in more or less all the states by seeing the heaps of garbage and dirt spread from place to place and the lack of proper sanitation in various hospitals and also the outbreak of mosquitoes in the hospitals.

The situation of administrative negligence is that after the spread of such a disease, there is a competition to avoid responsibility by blaming each other. Despite thousands of dengue cases being reported in India every year and hundreds of deaths, how well the administration makes adequate arrangements to prevent it, it is revealed from this that about fifty percent of the total population suffering from dengue in the world are in India. There are. Our health infrastructure is already overburdened due to corona infection and there is also concern about its third wave, in such a situation, the health infrastructure can completely collapse in dealing with diseases like dengue, chikungunya, viral fever etc. .



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