Imran Khan disqualified

Islamabad. The Election Commission of Pakistan has given a big blow to Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister of the country and the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party. The commission has disqualified him for five years. Along with this, the commission has also canceled Imran’s membership of Parliament. After this decision, Imran will not be able to contest elections for the next five years. He has been accused of keeping gifts received as Prime Minister and selling them.
Against this decision of the commission, Imran Khan supporters created a big ruckus outside the office of the Election Commission. Imran’s supporters first scuffled with the soldiers posted there, then fired in the air. So far some people are reported to be injured in the incident. Some of the accused have also been arrested.
Earlier, a four-member committee headed by Pakistan’s Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raza ruled against Imran. During his tenure as Prime Minister, the MPs of the opposition had complained about the matter to the Election Commission. Imran was accused of buying gifts stored in Toshakhana cheaply and selling them at high prices. The ruling coalition had taken up the Toshakhana GIFT issue with the Election Commission.
In response, Imran Khan told the Election Commission that he had bought all these gifts from Toshakhana for Rs 2.15 crore. By selling them, he got around Rs 5.8 crore. The gifts that Imran sold included a priceless watch, a pair of cufflinks, an expensive pen, a ring and four Rolex watches. Fawad Chaudhry, who was a minister in the Imran government, has said that his party will oppose this decision of the Election Commission and will appeal against it in the High Court.