Pimple ke gadde bharne ka upay: If you are troubled by the pits caused by pimples, then follow these tips. 1 News Track English

Pimple ke gadde bharne ka upay: Due to the irregular lifestyle of today, there is a problem of pimples in the youth. Due to pimples, pits are formed on our face. Due to which the beauty gets stained. Pimples are caused due to dust, dirt and not eating properly. Our skin is directly related to the food we eat. Even if we do not take nutritious food in the right way, the problem of pimples starts on our skin (skin par pimple ki samasya).
There are many solutions to the problem of pimples. If there are pimples then it also becomes right. But the pits caused by pimples are sometimes not correct. Many types of creams also come in the market to correct the pits of the face, but sometimes they also have side effects. Many people have very soft skin. Which do not suit all types of products. Let us tell you which home remedy to adopt if you are also troubled by the pit on the face.
Apply aloe vera and vitamin E on pimples (Pimple hone par aloevera aur vitamin E Lagaye)
If you have pits on your face, then you should use aloe vera and vitamin E. If you apply aloe vera gel and vitamin E on your face twice a day regularly, then you will get a lot of benefit from it.
How To Remove Pimples (Concept Photo – Social Media)
Make a paste of gram flour if you have pimples.
Make a paste by mixing milk and lemon juice in gram flour. Then apply this pack on your face once a week. With this, the pits on your face will end within a month.
In case of pimples, mix lemon and rose water in multani mitti (Pimple hone par multani mitti ka paste lgaye)
Apply Multani Mitti on the face when there is a pimple (Concept Photo – Social Media)
Everyone knows how beneficial Multani Mitti is for our face. But if you apply lemon juice and rose water in multani mitti, then the pits of your face can end. Apply this pack on your face regularly.
Apply honey and lemon paste on pimples
Make a paste of honey and lemon and massage it on your face regularly. After sometime wash the face with cold water. This will also bring glow to your face. Along with this, the pits of your face will also be filled.
Apply Honey and Lemon Paste on Pimples (Concept Photo – Social Media)
Plant tomatoes when you have pimples (pimple hone par tamatar lagaye)
Plant Tomatoes When You Have Pimples (Concept Photo – Social Media)
You can also eliminate the pits on your face with tomatoes. Cut the tomato into two parts. Then massage it with light hands for 15-20 minutes. After that wash your face with water. By doing this daily, you will get a lot of benefits.