Gunjan Dwivedi became IAS after a long struggle of 5 years, achieved success like this

Success Story Of IAS Topper Gunjan Dwivedi: Everyone has to face failure at some point in life. However, those who do not get discouraged because of failures and keep trying continuously, they get success. The story of Gunjan Dwivedi is also similar.
Gunjan faced failure many times in UPSC, but still she did not give up and rectified her shortcomings. In this way he got success in the third attempt. Gunjan adopted some special strategy for her preparation, which gave her success. After struggling for about 5 years, he fulfilled the dream of civil service.
Civil service environment from the beginning
From the very beginning, Gunjan Dwivedi’s trend was towards civil service. Actually, Gunjan’s father, a resident of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, was an IPS officer. Apart from this, his sister is also a civil servant. In such a situation, from the very beginning, there was a good atmosphere in his house regarding civil service. It was only after intermediate that she had decided that she would prepare for UPSC. What was then, after completing his graduation in 2014, he started preparing for UPSC.
Failed twice in pre-exam
In the year 2016, Gunjan gave the UPSC exam for the first time. She could not even clear the pre-exam in the first time. Not only this, in the second time also she got stuck in the pre exam. In such a situation, he prepared his strategy again and worked hard from the beginning and achieved All India Rank 9 in the year 2018. After a long struggle of about 5 years, he got success.
Watch here Gunjan Dwivedi’s interview with Delhi Knowledge Track
Gunjan’s advice to other candidates
Gunjan Dwivedi believes that to get success in UPSC, first of all you have to strengthen your base with NCERT books. If you do this in the beginning, then it will prove to be very beneficial for you later. Gunjan says that it is also very important to analyze your preparation from time to time. After completing the syllabus, revise as much as possible and do not forget to practice answer writing. Maximum hard work is the only way to succeed in UPSC.
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